Past 40

68 13 8


"I am glad that you came." I heard Sayan's voice through the sound receiver which rested by the gear of my car.

"Just say 'I am not glad' Avni." I said clutching the stir of the car tightly, even though I knew none of them could hear me.

"Why? Why would she say so?" Naina questioned me from the seat by my side. "You didn't even give me enough time to get dressed well. I look like crap."

"By the time you would have got dressed up like a ramp goddess, Sayan would have already abducted Avni."

"I don't take that much time to dress up. More over,  take a chill pill Abhi, it's just a date. And on top of that, you dragged me here to be your date." She whined.

"Ya, and you brought yourself another date too." I said taking a glance at the back seat where Karan sat working on his phone.  "Why the hell did you have to convince her for this so called 'danger date'?

"Now don't you dare start with me. You know well enough how much of a laborious work it was to get Avni to agree for this."

Ya, I won't disagree to that.  I know well enough what it went like.

About 12 hours ago,

"I am not going, Naina.  Don't ask me again." Avni said sounding determined with her decision  which made me happy.

"Come on Avni. It's just a date for just 4 hours or maybe 5 hours. Please." Avni didn't respond and gathered up her thing to go the gym.

"Avni... " Naina called but Avni exited the room.

"Drop it Naina. Why force her if she doesn't want to?" Karan asked her hoping that she wouldn't try to convince Avni again. He could see that I didn't want Avni to go on a date with that jerk.

Naina growled shutting him off. It was a pain to be a boy friend sometimes. She took out her phone and typed out something. Putting the phone to her ear she waited for the person on the other end to pick up. "Hey Sayan. Good morning. Sorry I woke you up so quickly." she said once the person who was Sayan picked up the call. "Just wanted to inform you that wear something white for the date." She paused. "Ya ya anything white. Casual or formal, it's your choice. Avni will be wearing white too."

Karan looked at me and whispered, "When did they share numbers?"

I questioned back, "When did Avni agree?"

Naina placed her finger over her lips motioning us to stop talking." Ya Ya. She is fine with it. It was a bit tough to make her agree. But she said Ok to this date. Just don't mess up anything."

After a few more lies, Naina disconnected the call. Karan instantly jumped on her with questions "When did you guys exchange number? You never ever told me about that. Did you meet him after that show?"

I stopped his interrogation mid way. This could wait. "Leave that Karan.  Avni didn't agree to this date surely. Why did you say that she did? Are you planning to make it seem like Avni dumped him for this date? If that is your plan, then you are seriously the best."  I said excitedly, Naina was really smart.

"Cool down boys. Don't worry Karan, I am not doing anything bad. He texted me. I don't know how he got my no. Probably Avni gave him. So chill I love you.
And for you Abhi, no I am not planning on anything stupid such as dumping and stuffs. I said so because Avni is going. She will agree. Just wait and watch."

I was wrong Naina is not at all smart. But Avni is, she will not go for sure.


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