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This is it. The first day of a new chapter in my life: attending University in Manchester. But before I get into that I will introduce myself. My name is Louis William Tomlinson. Pretty fancy right? I was born and raised in Doncaster and up until a few months ago I was living with my parents and four sisters. I was living 'the good life' as you could call it. My father was a very successful businessman which meant we had plenty of money and nothing to worry about. 

About 6 months ago my mother found my father in bed with another woman, I don't know all the details but what I do know is that this event lead to their divorce. Apparently my father wasn't the honest man we thought he was. My father left and took his money with him shortly after. That was also the last time I heard from him.

My mother works full time as a nurse and she makes just enough to support our family. My parents ended up selling the house so my mother could take her share and buy a small place for her and my sisters to live in. I was attending university in Doncaster but after the divorce, it became clear that we could't afford the tuition anymore. Therefore, I decided to transfer to the university of Manchester and finish my degree in English Lit there. In only six months my life has already changed so much.

I climb out of my car while taking in the beautiful scenery. There were so many trees, flowers and old looking buildings. I wasn't expecting it to be this nice. I gave myself a once-over in the side mirror of my car, deciding I looked good enough in my denim shorts and white t-shirt, before walking around to the trunk to grab one of the boxes filled with some of my belongings. After locking my car I start walking towards where I remembered the dorms should be located. I've studied the campus maps for a bit last night just to make sure I wouldn't get utterly lost upon arrival. Once I arrived at the large building I stopped right in front of the sign that said: 'Student dormitory', set the box down on ground so I could retrieve a small piece of paper from my back pocket. I was smart enough to write down my dorm number. Correction: my mother was smart enough to make me write it down, knowing I would forget otherwise.

It didn't take much effort to find my dorm, the door stood slightly ajar meaning my roommate must have already arrived. With a small knock, I entered the room to see a boy around my age sitting on the bed. He has bleached blond hair and blue eyes and is wearing skinny jeans, a graphic t-shirt, and white sneakers. He gave me a big smile before saying "You must be my roommate! My name is Niall!" I put my box down on the bed so I could shake the guys outstretched hand. "I'm Louis. Nice to meet you." I looked around the room while Niall and I made some small talk. The room isn't nearly as big as the dorms at Doncaster University where my friends live and it would take some getting used to. We both have our own bed, desk, and dresser. 

After a while, I find out that Niall is majoring in psychology. He was born and raised in Ireland, he has one older brother and loves food. Niall seems very social and outgoing whereas I am a tad shy, and awkward. Niall helps me get the rest of the things from my car so I can unpack and put away my stuff. I take the photo frames I had packed out of one of the boxes, I decide I will place them on top of my dresser next to some of my favorite books. . They are mainly pictures of my family back in Doncaster. I've never been away from my family for a long period of time so it would be hard but I already loved the independence that came with living in a dorm two hours away from home.

My stomach suddenly rumbles and when I check the time on my phone it's already half 7. "Want to grab some food?" I asked Niall, who was busy texting and scrolling through Facebook on his phone. "Oh, yes please!" he replied. Niall tells me he knows all the good places on campus since this is his second year.

We walk past a few stores. Among them is a bookstore and a little coffee place. I made a mental note to check them out in the next couple of days or so. We walk across a small park as I notice a group of people running around with water guns and water balloons and they sure seemed to have a great time. A few of them come running towards us and a guy with chocolate brown curls hides behind Niall and I right before his friend tried to hit him with several water balloons. Both Niall and I are hit, my shirt soaking wet and so are Niall's skinny jeans. "Thanks for being my shield!" the curly-haired lad laughingly says before running off. "Harry, you get back here!!" The black haired male yells before taking off, running after the guy, who we've learned was named Harry. "I'm so sorry guys!" a girl said as she ran towards us. She was beautiful, her long blonde hair was curled and she had these piercing brown eyes. She was petite and absolutely gorgeous. "No worries. It's just water. It'll dry soon enough." I tell her, giving her small smile. "I'm Ellie and please excuse those two jackasses Harry and Zayn tend to get a little carried away sometimes."

"I'm Niall and this is Louis," Niall said, pointing at me. "So what are you guys majoring in?" Ellie asked us. Before either of us can reply, Ellie was called over by some of her friends who made it pretty obvious they didn't feel like waiting any longer. "I'll see you around boys!"

Niall and I made our way to a small little pizza place and Niall tells me about his old roommate when the server comes over. "Long time no see Nialler!" was the first thing the lad said. "You too Li! How was your summer?" Assuming this Li guy was Niall's friend, I decide to introduce myself after he told Niall about his summer. Turns out his name is Liam and Liam took our order while inviting us to a party. I was never big on parties or alcohol for that matter and decide to decline the invitation. I would much rather read a good book and go to bed early but Niall tries to convince me to go, telling me that it will be the best party ever though It isn't enough to make me change my mind. After dinner, we walk back to our dorm. While Niall was trying to decide what to wear, I thought it would be good to give my mom a call and let her know how I was doing.

"Boobear! I already miss you!" was the first thing my mom said after picking up the phone. "I miss you too mum. How are you?" She told me about her day and what the girls had been doing. "Are you sure you're not coming with?" Niall whispered. I nodded and waved as Niall closed the door behind him to go to the party. My mom was happy when I told her I got along with my roommate pretty well so far and she told me I'd make more friends soon enough. I wasn't happy about leaving my friends behind and having to start all over, I've been best friends with Stan and Luke for over a decade and one of my fears was not being able to make new friends. People in Manchester were different compared to the people you'd meet in Doncaster, Doncaster was such a posh place whereas Manchester seemed very down to earth, laid back type of place. After a good hour, we said our goodbyes and I changed into my PJ's and jumped into bed. I have one more day to explore campus and do whatever I feel like before classes start. 

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