Twenty Two

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)


After watching them for a while Felicite and Charlotte run towards me and grab my arms, pulling me up from my seat and into the shallow water. Harry and I watch the twins for a little while Felicite and Charlotte go towards the slides and the deeper water. In the corner of my eye, I see a group of people from my high school walking into the water, I groan when I hear Holly's annoying voice. Harry gives me a questioning look but I just shake my head, hoping they won't notice us and walk straight towards the deeper part of the pool.

"Hi, Louis!" Holly cheers like nothing ever happened at the party. "Hey," I respond. The girls are all wearing bikini's that show off way too much skin. "there are kids around here, at least, buy the right size" I mumble to myself. "What was that?" Holly asks while I see Harry snicker. "Oh nothing" I reply but Harry has caught Holly's attention "Who's this hottie?" she asks as she steps towards him, already touching his arm and shoulder. "Hi, I'm Holly!" "Harry" he replies while taking a step away from her and towards me but Holly just moves with him. "I've never seen you around here."

"I'm not from around here," I feel bad for Harry but Holly won't listen to me when I tell her to back off and I don't fancy another slap in the face. "So where's your girlfriend?" Harry looks around as if he's looking for someone before he replies, telling Holly he doesn't have one. Holly takes this as her cue and jumps on Harry's back, I'm sure I looked better when I did it at the lake. Harry gently removes her arms and legs from his body and tells her he's actually seeing someone. "Oh really? What's her name?" Holly asks in disbelieve. "Lou-" He starts but we exchange a quick look and he adds "-ise, yea Louise!" He smiles proudly at his answer and Holly seems to believe it as she says goodbye and demands that her minions, I mean friends follow her without acknowledging our existence.

"Well she's intense," Harry laughs. "Tell me about it" I walk towards the twins who have been playing on a pirate ship that is located in the shallow pool. "Girls, Charlotte, and Felicite will be back any minute now, they'll watch you guys while Harry and I go check out the slides alright?" they don't really take the time to answer, too eager to continue playing with their new friends. As promised a few minutes later my sisters appear and take over, I grab Harry's arm and pull him along towards the waterslides. After we've gone down all of them we just walk around a little and find an empty hot tub. We climb in and just talk for a little, Harry tells me that the guys we met yesterday used to bully him because he was creative and enjoyed singing in school. He's never been called gay or a faggot until they actually saw him texting me when I texted him I wished he could be with me. They even pushed him into a closet, trying to block the exit for a while and when he was able to get out the buff guy and the black-haired guy had screamed that he finally came out of the closet.

I feel myself getting angry that my text lead to this pathetic behaviour and I stare at my balled up fists on my lap. I can feel Harry's finger under my chin, lifting up my head "Hey, don't worry, they didn't hurt me." "It's my fault, though, I wish I could have been there," I tell him. "It's not your fault and you being there would only have made them tease us more" I pull Harry into a hug "Could have stood up for you, though, protected you," I say into his wet curls. "Protect eh?" He replies. "I want to protect what's mine" and as soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them, Harry isn't mine.

Harry pulls away from the hug. "What's yours?" he asks. "Let's just forget I ever said that, alright?" I hide my face behind my hands, wishing I could take back what I just said. "Do you want that?" Harry questions "Do I want what?" The power to become invisible is more than welcome right now, I feel like I might actually die because of the shame I'm feeling. What if I fucked everything up?

"Do you want me to be yours?" Harry asks just loud enough for me to hear. I scratch the back of my neck before responding "I guess it's a little soon but I mean, you know" I ramble. "if you want" I add but it comes out more like a question. Harry looks around checking our surroundings before climbing on my lap "Guess I'm yours then, boyfriend" He smiles widely and pecks my lips. I'm sure that my cheeks would have turned bright red but thanks to the temperature in the hot tub my cheeks already resemble tomatoes. He climbs off of me when two elderly women walk up to the hot tub and joining us. "How about we go back to the girls?" I ask and Harry nods.

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