Thirty Five

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :) 


Over the weekend Niall and I study together in our dorm, play a few video games and just catch up. Harry, Zayn, Sophie, Ellie and Kylie are off to some kind of maze in the middle of nowhere. Zayn noticed a sign as he drove past the farm and thought it would be a great activity. Why would a maze be a nice activity? It's incredibly frustrating not to find the exit. However, my mother always taught me to keep your right hand on a wall at all times, that way you won't get lost and will end up finding the exit sooner. 

Niall is a great study partner because he's serious about getting the work done and let's be honest, I need it. Occasionally we'll quiz the other on the things we have been studying to see if any of it actually sticks. Without noticing several hours pass and my stomach grumbles. "Hungry?" Niall asks and I nod in reply, rubbing my stomach and staring at the white fabric covering it.

"Liam invited me over to try some food for his parents' wedding, apparently, Karen has been cooking up a storm. I'm sure they won't mind if you join us." Niall informs me. "I don't want to intrude" "Don't be silly, Liam thinks you're wonderful. Come on!" Niall cheers as he puts away his laptop and starts to put on shoes. I debate on whether or not I should go, uninvited and all but Niall convinces me to go with him. We both get ready and drive over to Liam's place.

"Niall, great to see you dear" a middle-aged woman who I assume is Liam's mother says. "Thank you, Karen. How have you been?" he replies. "I'm doing great, thank you for asking. Who did you bring?" she asks, looking over at me. "Oh eh, hi I'm Louis, Niall's roommate," I say as I shake her hand. "Oh, Liam's friend too right? I think he's mentioned you before. Come in, come in!" I compliment Karen on her lovely home as she guides us through her house towards the kitchen where we find Liam,

He smiles when he sees us and waves us over. We talk about how the wedding preparations are going and Karen asks us several times if we'll be attending. "We might need some new clothes before the wedding, though, Louis here had a wild night and the buttons of his only fancy shirt went flying everywhere!" Niall snickers. "Niall!" I yell and swat his arm. Liam and his mum exchange a look before Karen speaks up. "I could fix the buttons of your shirt dear. Just drop it off" she offers. "Yes, mum is a great seamstress, she makes most of her own clothes!" Liam adds and I thank her for the offer. When she tells me she indeed make the entire outfit she's wearing I'm stunned. The clothes look nothing like I had imagined and I would believe her if she told me she had bought the top and skirt at an expensive boutique. "You're very talented, I will make sure to bring the shirt the next time I stop by"

Karen feeds us all kinds of biscuits she has baked earlier and they taste delicious. Just watching Karen and Liam and being mothered by Karen makes me really miss my mum. I know I'll see her in a few weeks for the twins birthday but still. We have such a close relationship, me being her first born and only boy and all.

Niall and Liam run up to Liam's room to check out the new video game Liam had gotten from his dad after he returned from a business trip and I decide to keep Karen company. "So are you going on a second honeymoon too?" I ask genuinely interested. "Oh love, I wish but we can't afford it. We might go away for a weekend but nothing major, the party is expensive that's why I'm already making the food myself" she answers. "Well if you need any help with the food prep just let me know. I might not be a great cook but I can help cutting up vegetables, setting the table, anything." I offer with a smile and Karen pulls me into a hug. "That's very sweet of you," she says as she lets go of me.

"Oh, Karen? About that weekend away. I know a lovely little bed and breakfast just outside Liverpool. I could give you the details so you can look into it. I went there not too long ago and has the best time ever. Lovely people too" I say and Karen tells me she loves for me to give her the information so she can check it out.

Life Changing  ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora