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A/N: One of my favourite gifs. No need to thank me. ;) & Don't forget to comment and vote!


Once Monday rolls around I walk into my first lecture with Ellie to see Harry has arrived before us and we take the seats on his left. "Morning Harry" Ellie says cheerfully. "Hey guys" Harry responds with his voice so deep that it send a shiver down my spine. "Long time no see. How have you been?" I ask him. "Just had other things to do" he shrugs. The professor starts talking about the material text of Shakespeare and I would usually find anything related to Shakespeare very interesting but I can't concentrate and find myself looking over at Harry every five minutes or so. He's listening intently with his elbow resting on his desk and his fingers fumbling with a pen. His hair is getting longer and I feel the urge to run my hands through his curls, they just look incredibly soft. I shake my head trying to get rid of these ridiculous thoughts as Harry glances over and his eyes meet mine. I feel my cheeks redden and he just smiles at me and turns his attention back to the professor as did I. Or well I try.

Ever since I started taking classes at this university I haven't been able to keep up my grades and they have dropped a fair bit. It's still enough to pass but I have been distracted, to say the least. My friends, my girlfriend, work, the gym and as much as I hate to admit it, also Harry. Whenever I open a book and try to study or start writing a paper my mind will wander off to him. What is he doing? Why hasn't he called me back? But it's normal to get worried about friends, right? I end up skipping my second lecture to go to the gym. I have the ridiculous idea that exhausting myself by working out will get rid of these thoughts. I tell Ellie I'm not feeling well, which isn't a total lie before I run back to my dorm, change into sweatpants, a shirt, trainers and make my way over to the gym.

I spend two and a half hours at the gym just mindlessly running on the treadmill and lifting weights. My muscles are aching and I'm completely exhausted. I'm leaning against a wall in the locker room but my legs can't keep me up anymore so I let myself slide down the wall and just sit down. Not long after three people enter the locker room and I look up when I hear familiar voices coming my way. Before me stand Niall, Nick, and Zayn. "Lou, you look horrible!" Niall sounds concerned. "Thanks for the compliment Niall." I chuckle. Zayn hands me some water and tells me he won't leave my side before I have finished the entire bottle, afraid that I have dehydrated myself.

Niall sits down beside me. "What were you doing?" he asks as he pats my knee. "We're at a gym, Niall. Obviously, I came here to work out." I tell him before taking another sip of water. "People aren't supposed to look this bad after a workout. You scare me a little." "I'm sorry Niall. I didn't mean to scare you I just worked myself too hard." I confess "Is that all that's bothering you?" he asks as he stares at me. I feel tears well up in my eyes, " I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. " I guess Niall has noticed my watery eyes as he put his arm around me and pulls me closer. I let my head rest on his shoulder. "Why would there be something wrong with you?" "I-I don't k-know." I have a slight feeling but I'm not ready to admit it to anyone yet. Heck, I didn't even want to admit it to myself. Everything is very overwhelming and I don't know how to deal with all the emotions I have been feeling.

"How about you take a shower and we go back to our place, order pizza and just lazily watch a movie?" Niall asks. "Please," I say as I try to stand up. After a quick shower, Niall and I walk back to our dorm. Niall felt the need to support me so he slung my arm over his shoulder, his hand resting on my side. Halfway through a comedy Niall had chosen on Netflix my eyes fluttered closed.

When I open my eyes and look around, I faintly recognise the library. I am sitting on one of the sofas but the lights are off and I'm pretty sure I'm alone. I have no clue why I'm here so I walk over to the front door and lay my hand on the handle. When I try to open the door it doesn't budge. I hear a noise and quickly turn around "Hello?" Where is that damn light switch? "Is anyone there?" I walk along the wall with my hand feeling up and down for a light switch. I hear another sound coming from the back of the library. "I have a weapon and I'm not afraid to use it!" I yell, trying to sound confident. I walk over to where I remember the front desk to be, I remember seeing a light switch near the desk. I freeze when I feel someone standing behind me. "What's this weapon you speak of Louis?" the deep voice whispers in my ear. My heart is racing and I gulp. "S-stay a-away! I-I'm c-calling the c-cops!" I try to sound confident again but curse at myself for stuttering. 

Life Changing  ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon