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Ellie and I have decided to go shopping, I desperately need some new sweater, hoodies and a yoga outfit and she just wanted to have a look around. It starts to get colder every day and I get cold easily anyway besides you can never own too many sweaters and hoodies to keep you warm. We take the bus to the city centre of Manchester because I hate having to park in a big city so this is a nice solution. We are casually strolling around and have visited a few shops when I start to feel hungry. We end up in this adorable Greek restaurant. The Horiatiki I have chosen tastes delicious but lunch is a tad awkward because we don't really know what to talk about and Ellie is still acting a little distant towards me. I'm hoping this trip would clear everything up.

We walk past the Adidas store and I pull Ellie inside. It has always been one of my favourite brands so I'm looking forward to looking at their new collection. I end up buying a few t-shirts and a new hoodie and make my way outside to meet Ellie, who's currently on the phone with someone. I hold up the bags with a smile on my face but don't get much of a response. Without her ending the phone call we start walking. "Who're you talking to?" I ask curiously. "Oh, just a friend from back home." After a few more minutes Ellie ends the conversation and when I try to grab her hand and lace our fingers she quickly put her hands into her pockets. Wait, does she not want to hold my hand in public or was this a coincidence?

Once the sign of the Victoria Secret store comes into sight Ellie squeals. "Can we go in there, please? I have to buy some new lingerie!" she's nearly bouncing up and down with excitement as I let her drag me towards the entrance of the store. I strongly dislike lingerie stores, so many items, how many bras does a girl need? Sheesh!

As we walk in I immediately lose sight of my girlfriend as she probably laid her eyes on something and ran to see if they have it in her size. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I look around. I arrive at the changing rooms and I feel better, there is a nice large sofa with all the boyfriends and husbands, I presume. As I walk over to the sofa some other bloke sits down on the only empty spot and I curse under my breath. "LOU!! LOOK!!" I hear somewhere behind me. I try to follow the sound and there is Ellie, she pushes what looks like a dress in my hands. "Babydoll," the tag says. "Eh, what's this El?" I ask while still holding onto the dress-type-thing. "It's lingerie, Lou." Well, we're in a lingerie store but why would anyone find this sexy? It's called a babydoll-something. "Yea, yea nice," I say as she takes the item from me and walks over to the wall to look at some purple bras.

With about 10 items in her hands, Ellie tells me she'll try the things on. There's a sign near the changing rooms saying males aren't allowed unless they're trying something on. Are they afraid I might shag my girlfriend? In public? Are they mental? Ellie has promised to send me pictures of the items as she is trying them on which is fine by me. I decide to walk around the store a bit and just browse, either that or just stand near the changing rooms and be bored.

I didn't notice the staff member who's approaching me. "How may I help you, sir? Looking to buy something for a special lady?" "Oh no, my girlfriend is just trying some items on. But thank you." I will ask for assistance when I need it. I don't want staff members approaching me, they always make me feel a bit nervous for some reason. "Very well sir," the young lady says as she walks over to another customer. I wander into the next section with only panties when I noticed the two guys next to me. They are holding hands, smiling sweetly and I'm pretty sure they're a couple. They look so cute together that I forget I'm full on staring at them. "Hi!" one of the guys says. "Oh sorry," I turn around and walk away. "They're lovely aren't they?" the other says. Is he talking to me or to his boyfriend? I turn around to see them both looking at me so I guess he was talking to me.

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