Thirty Six

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)


I hope Harry will run after me, talk sense into me, kiss me, make me forget, tell me I am wrong, anything! But he doesn't. He yells my name twice and I hear him kicking or punching, from what sounds like a door. I kick the door to my dorm open to find it empty, throw the bag across the room and let myself fall onto the bed, giving the tears free range to completely soak my pillow as I sob away. I don't get any sleep that night and when Niall returns at the odd hour of 4 in the morning, not even slightly drunk, he probably hears me cry because even though he doesn't say a word, he lays down next to me and holds me.

When my alarm goes off I'm still awake and in the same position as Niall found me in. My eyes are very sore and I gently rub them. "Morning" Niall whispers. "How are you feeling?" he adds. I shrug and turn around to face him. "Jesus Lou, your eyes are bloodshot and swollen. What the hell happened?" I tell Niall I don't want to talk about it and should get ready for my lectures, my stomach already hurting just thinking about seeing Harry the next couple of hours. "You're not going anywhere, you need to sleep" For once I don't mind missing class and I agree with Niall to skip my classes. I text Ellie to tell her I'm not feeling well and will stay in my dorm for the day. She quickly responds, asking me if I need anything but I let her know that I'll just email the professors about our assignments and that Niall has agreed to take care of me.

Niall is all I can ask for, during my first lecture he runs to the bakery to get me breakfast and a tea and he skips his own classes to stay with me. I haven't told Niall why I'm acting like this but without me needing to say it he knows it's about Harry. He actually locked our dorm when he went to the bakery, just in case Harry decided to stop by. He took my phone and turned it off so I can try to get some sleep.

As expected Harry stops by our dorm in between the lectures. I'm half asleep but obviously, recognise his voice. "I don't know what the hell you did Harry but Louis is a mess. I'm not letting you in!" Niall says. "I didn't do shit! He's just assuming things. Let me talk to him Niall!" he whisper-shouts. "He doesn't want to see you, isn't it obvious? I'm just looking out for him." Niall replies. "Niall I swear to g-" Harry starts but Niall cuts him off yelling "Goodbye Harry!" and slamming the door shut. I can hear Harry scream and kick the door before he walks off.

"Thank you" I whisper to Niall, just in case Harry has returned and is standing outside my dorm. "You do know you can't avoid him forever right?" Niall questions. "I know but I can't deal with him right now," I tell him. "You're acting like he broke up with you," Niall says as he sits on the bed next to me. "Feels that way" I inform Niall as I sit up against the wall. "So what happened? I'm too curious, you know this!" I start telling Niall about the fights, the things Harry said and the thing I read in his notebook. Niall sighs overdramatically and rolls his eyes. "You two need to talk about this and stop being such children." He says. "I'm going to get him now" he adds. "NO!" I yell, grabbing his arm. "Please don't. He hurt me. Whenever I make time for him he already made plans. It feels like I'm the only one trying in this relationship and he's just resistant." Niall agrees not to get or call Harry and leave me to figure things out, not sure how well that will work but alright!

I spend the day with Niall catching up on my assignments as Niall pampers me a little because I still look like an absolute wreck. On Tuesday Niall goes to his classes and I think about going to the gym but the chances are too high to see Harry there if he ends up skipping class so instead I take my button up shirt and drive over to Liam's house to visit Karen.

"Hello dear!" Karen smiles as she opens the door. "Are you feeling poorly? You look so pale, have you been eating? Can I make you something?" she fires and after telling her I'm fine and don't need anything we end up in the kitchen as she makes some tomato soup and toast. She fixes the buttons of my shirt within mere minutes and it looks lovely. I help Karen make the menu for the wedding party and she makes the final decisions. I'm already looking forward to the party, I haven't been to a wedding in so many years and even though they'll only renew their vows it'll be magical. Karen even shows me the dress she has been working on and it's this amazing pastel coloured dress with lace all over the skirt.

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