Twenty Three

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)


I unlock our dorm, we throw our bags onto our beds and I take a seat behind my desk. "So what's the status between you two?" Niall asks curiously. I turn around to face him with a big grin on my face. "I, my good friend, am no longer a single man." Niall stares at me in shock "Seriously?" I nod and Niall does his little happy dance through the room. We start unpacking while telling each other about our week off and after I'm done informing Niall about almost every detail of my holiday he asks "So, Zayn knows too?" "I'm pretty sure Harry has told him by now but we really want to keep it a secret so you guys are the only ones who know."

As we finish some of the leftovers my mum had stuffed into my bag my phone vibrates. It's an incoming text from Harry asking if Niall and I would like to come up to his dorm and watch a movie. Niall immediately likes the idea and I text Harry to let him know we will come upstairs after we have both taken a shower. We gather some clean clothing, a towel, and our toiletries before making our way over to the bathroom. I already miss being able to shower as long as I want to. Niall opens the door and I sigh as soon as I see at least 7 people in there. All the showers are occupied so we take a seat on one of the benches and talk to some of the other students for a bit.

One of the shower curtains is pulled back and reveals Ellie with a towel wrapped around her little body. "Hi Lou" she smiles. "Hi El, how was your holiday?" I don't want things to get awkward, especially if she ever finds out about Harry and I. "It was lovely. I've spent a lot of time with my family" she replies, flashing me a smile. "What about you?" she asks and my lips automatically curl up into a smile. "I've had a fantastic week." Someone exits the shower and I'm next in line, I tell Ellie it was nice seeing her before closing the curtain and get undressed.

After both Niall and I are done showering, drying off and have changed into some sweats and a t-shirt we exit the bathroom to drop off our toiletries, dirty clothing, and towel. "Excited to see your boyfriend?" Niall says while bumping his shoulder into mine. I ignore the comment and open the door with Niall on my tail. He hooks his arm through mine and we start skipping through the corridors like little girls. We race up the stairs to the next level, the floor where Harry and Zayn's dorm is located. As soon as we knock, the door flies open and I'm pulled inside. Before I can even say a single word Harry presses his lips against mine, It takes a few seconds before I start moving my lips, not expecting this kind of welcome.

When Zayn coughs a little obvious we pull apart, Niall has closed the door and is now sitting down on Zayn's bed. "Harry stop attacking your boyfriend and hey Louis" Zayn chuckles. "Hi," I mutter, feeling a little embarrassed that Niall and Zayn just witnessed our kiss. "I just missed him alright?" Harry says in defence to Zayn. "You've seen me a few hours ago you sap" Harry pouts and I get on my tippy toes to peck his lips before walking over to his bed. I pat the spot beside me, silently inviting Harry to come sit next to me. Harry walks over and climbs onto the bed, his back against the wall and his hand on my thigh. I look down at his large hand and swallow thickly just thinking about what his hands could do to me.

I quickly look up, trying to clear my head from all these inappropriate thoughts. "So what are we watching?" I ask the boys. Niall and Zayn agree on the movie 'Vacation' and from what I've heard it's a pretty funny movie. Zayn pulls one of the desks closer to Harry's bed and places his laptop on it. We all grab some drinks and snacks and Harry sits down near the headboard with Zayn next to him and Niall taking up all of the space near the footboard. "What about me?" I ask, not wanting to sit on the floor. Harry spreads his legs and pats the space in between them while Zayn and Niall wait for me to decide. "I don't want you guys to get uncomfortable," I tell them honestly. "I don't see why I would mind as long as you guys don't have sex in front of me I'm all good!" Zayn shrugs. "Dito!" Niall cheers and I get onto the bed, positioning myself between Harry's legs and facing the laptop.

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