Thirty Seven

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)


Niall quickly takes my phone from the floor, luckily we were sitting down, so the phone most likely isn't broken but I honestly couldn't care less right now. "Hello? Yes, Yes, Mhm, Okay we'll be right there" he says and shoves my phone into his pocket and pulls me to my feet. "What's wrong," Zayn asks. "Harry is in the hospital, there was a car crash," He informs everyone else. "Why did they call Louis?" Sophie asks, surprisingly nicely. "The hospital will always look through your phone to see if you've set up an 'ICE – In case of emergency' phone number and call that one to inform your relative or whoever you've chosen about the fact that you've been brought into the hospital" Niall explains as we make our way over to god knows who's car. I stopped paying attention. I can hear people talk but the only thing going on in my head right now is. 'I need to see Harry – I need to see Harry'. All I can feel is a pair of hands on my back, pushing me forward.

The entire car ride is a blur, I remember someone shoving me into the passenger seat of the car and driving to the other side of Manchester to the North Manchester General Hospital, our college being on the south side of the city. The car journey takes about 20 minutes, 20 minutes too long because I can't stop fidgeting, I need to see Harry. I  need to see him and have a doctor tell me that he will be fine, over and over again before I will believe it.

Zayn stops the car in front of the entrance of the hospital and as soon as he's come to a full stop I open the door, suddenly remembering how to work my limbs, jump out and run towards the sliding doors, needing to stop and wait for them to open. Niall, Ellie, Sophie and Kylie catch up with me. I don't know how they fit four people in the back but we're all here and the second the sliding door has opened wide enough I run towards the first desk. "HARRY STYLES!" I yell at the woman behind the desk. "I'm sorry, we're looking for Harry Styles, he was brought in earlier?" Ellie says politely. Fuck politeness, I need to see my boyfriend.

"Harry and what was his last name?" The lady asks. I can't even stand still and think about just running through the hospital but I know that waiting a few minutes for her to give us the room number will be a lot more effective than me running around like a crazy person.

"Styles as in S-T-Y-L-E-S" Ellie spells as the woman starts typing in his name. "Ah yes, he's been brought in over an hour ago and you'll find him on the second floor" We thank her and all start running towards the lift. I hear Kylie on the phone with Zayn, who's probably parking the car, telling him what floor Harry is on. The second the doors open we run towards another desk and are greeted by a male this time. "HARRY STYLES" I yell once again. This time, the man starts typing the name into his computer instead of the others having to ask nicely.

"Oh yes, he's here. You can take a seat in the waiting room. A doctor will be with you shortly" My jaw drops, he has to be kidding me right? "I need to see him," I tell the man as nicely as possible. "Are you a relative?" he asks and I shake my head. "We're his friends," Niall tells the man, who according to his nametag is named Paul. "Listen up Paul, you probably called me to tell me Harry is in here and now you're refusing to let me see him?" I feel a strong urge to grab the man by his collar and drag him over the desk if he doesn't let me see Harry soon.

"Relatives only, I'm sorry but those are the rules." I hear the lift open and I'm guessing Zayn has joined us. "Come on Lou, we'll wait for the doctor," Ellie says as she grabs my hand, trying to get me to go the waiting room. I take three steps in the direction of the waiting room when I pull my hand away. "No," I say and walk back over to the desk.

"You have to let me see him! I need to see him!" I beg, hoping this strategy will work. "I have told you before and I will tell you again; relatives only. I'm sorry but I need to ask you to sit down in the waiting room and wait for the doctor. He will be with you shortly." I see his colleague join him behind the desk, Paul's shift probably ending soon. I huff in annoyance, crack my knuckles and look around at my friends, who're mere meters away from me, staring at me with odd looks on their faces. Probably asking themselves why I'm reacting like this and fuck it.

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