Thirty Four

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :) 


We've returned to our dormitory and have promised each other not to tell a soul about what happened today. Instead, Harry and Zayn go see the new X-men movie or something that has a superhero in it, Niall and Liam went out for a couple of drinks and I have decided to spend my night with my head buried in my textbooks. I'll be missing a lot of classes due to my internship which means that I need to study even more at home. Just the thought of it makes me want to take a nap.

I'm enjoying the silence in the dorm, ignoring the noises coming from our neighbours or the hallway. I've actually cleaned up a little! You know how it goes, you plan on doing one thing you're not particularly excited for and end up doing basically anything else because it sounds more appealing, even cleaning. Or well, removing all the crap that's on the floor, re-organize the shelves etcetera. Around 9 there's a knock on the door and I wonder who it could be.

I open the door to find Ellie and Kylie, inviting themselves in and taking a seat on the bed. "Hello, do you want to come in?" I say sarcastically as the girls have already taken a seat. "We haven't really seen you lately and now that you're going to be working several days a week we thought we'd come over to chat" Suspicious. We never hang out since Ellie and I broke up besides they're more Harry's friends and never liked Niall or me all that much but alright. I walk over to my desk, cluttered with my laptop, water bottle, several textbooks, and notebooks that I have barely touched all night.

"So," I say, looking around the room awkwardly. "So.." Ellie says as she stares at Kylie. "Okay, we kind of heard that Josh is your mentor" Kylie starts and I tell her to go on. "He was a senior when we were freshmen and he is gorgeous!" Ding-ding-ding we have found the motive. "He's alright" I reply casually. "Is there a possibility that you could introduce us?" Kylie giggles. "I haven't officially started and he has a girlfriend. Ellie, don't you have a boyfriend?" I see her shrug and actually hear Kylie whisper something along the lines of 'Everything can be broken'. "No, you will not use me to get closer to my mentor who I've only just met!"

"Fine fine!" Kylie huffs and moves onto the next subject as I take a sip from my water bottle. "Sophie has been looking fabulous lately. I think you'd make a great couple!" I nearly spit out my water just at the thought of dating Sophie and tell the girls I'd rather jump out of an aeroplane, without a parachute. "She has hated my guts since I met you guys," I tell them. "Psht, no she hasn't," Ellie says "She's confessed it to me!"

"We need to get her mind off of Harry because she's been depressed and we kind of want to set Harry up for a blind date" Ellie informs me. "So setting me up with Satan's spawn will make her forget about Harry? Get her the captain of whatever sports team our Uni has or some rich bloke" they actually seem to give it a thought, agreeing to the idea that Daniel, whoever he may be, will be a much better fit for her because he's built like a brick shithouse. "Oi, I'm good looking," I say a little offended. "Yeah, yeah" the girls absentmindedly reply as they continue to talk about setting up Daniel and Sophie.

"You're free to leave anytime, now would be great actually if you're just here to insult me" I pout and cross my arms. "We'll find you a girl with a lovely personality too" Kylie laughs. "Don't bother" I reply and remind them they're still free to get the hell out of my dorm. I don't bother asking them about the blind date thing with Harry because it might be a little odd. In their eyes, Harry and I are just friends, not even that close either. The conversation turns onto a more positive note and it's alright and nice to talk to someone other than Niall or Harry. After about an hour or so they leave me alone and I actually focus on getting some studying done.

I have finished 3 assignments and read several chapters so I allow myself to call it a night and crawl into bed. I look over at Niall's empty bed and can't help but miss him because we haven't been hanging out as much lately. I am very glad he's getting along so well with Liam though.

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