Twenty Five

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I'm feeling anxious just thinking about the weekend that's coming closer and closer and I have planned a trip to the city centre of Manchester to buy everything I think I will need for our date night. I've told Harry we're going to spend the night watching movies in his dorm room, little does he know that Zayn will be gone all night and that I will have ordered takeout by the time he'll come home from his shift at the library. Harry will get back around half six and my meeting with my project partners ends an hour before that which will only leave me with 60 minutes. 60 minutes to get myself ready, get the dorm ready and my hands are already starting to shake just by thinking about it.

I try to act as normal as possible during our lectures on Tuesday and Wednesday and Harry seems oblivious. However, Niall and Zayn are obviously in on my plan and just love to tease me about it. 

Niall has agreed to join me on my trip into Manchester and we're just strolling around looking for a place to have a late lunch. "So what did you get so far?" Niall asks while I take a look a the menu, trying to decide if I'm hungry enough for a large salad or if I will regret that decision later on. "Ehm, I have a few of those large scented candles and lots of tea lights to spread around the room," I inform him.

"How about condoms and lube?" "Niall! We're in public!" I whisper-shout. "So what? Every guy uses condoms." He shrugs. "Yes but it's not exactly a lunch topic to discuss when you're out and about." I feel my cheeks slightly redden when I notice a few girls have turned their heads in our direction with an odd look on their faces. "But yes, I already took care of that," I whisper. "Flavoured condoms?" he asks while wiggling his eyebrows, I had just taken a sip of my tea and am now nearly choking because I didn't expect him to say anything like that, correct that, I did but I was hoping he wouldn't.

I decide on the big chicken salad and am happy when Niall agrees to change the subject to something a little more suitable to the situation and location. He tells me he's been seeing Vania but doesn't feel like it's going anywhere and how he wants to just be friends. He also tells me some more stories about how he spend his time with his family over the holidays and that he loved seeing his little cousin again. I know Niall has an older brother but I never knew he was that much older and already had a little one. The way his face lights up just talking about his family makes me wish he could see them more often.

We finish our lunch and make our way back into the busy streets of Manchester. "You'd think people would be working on Thursday instead of being here shopping!" Niall says as we walk towards a large group of people. "Mind you, schools will be out in an hour so the city will be swarming with kids in uniforms" God, I hated those. They never looked flattering on anyone no matter what body type you have. The only positive thing about uniforms is not having to think about what you'll have to wear to school. The only way to make yourself stand out was with accessories or your hair.

Niall drags me into an adult entertainment store before I even notice we're walking past one. I already know that trying to walk away from Niall and finding my way outside will not work because knowing Niall he'll just drag me inside again. I sigh and let my eyes wander. "Hello loves, looking for anything for your special lady?" the cashier asks us. She doesn't look a day over 35 but you can see she has had some work done. Large boobs prominent in sight, half hidden by a corset but it does look nice on her.

"My friend here is looking for something for his special guy" Niall elbows me in the side. "OH! Well come on then!" the cashier says as she gets up from her stool behind the till. She leads us to the other side of the store and where my eyes had gotten used to seeing big posters with naked girls on them, slutty nurse outfits and bra's, I now have to take in calendars with males and their junk on display. I shake my head slightly, still following the friendly cashier as she makes small talk with Niall.

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