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A/N: Happy Easter & Please don't forget to comment and vote!


Maybe I should have stayed to see what he wanted but I'm not in the mood. Niall taking me to a gay event, possibly on purpose, Ellie breaking up with me, even and my father trying to pull off this act of kindness, maybe even trying to buy his way back in. Of course, I don't know what he has put in his letter but I just hope my mother won't forgive him and let him back into our lives when the woman he cheated on my mother with finds him cheating on her as well. Once a cheater always a cheater.

"Looks like you could use a drink," I hear a familiar voice say. I look up to see Nick standing in front of me with a colourful drink in his hand. I take the drink and chug it. "I guess I was right," he chuckles as he sits down next to me. "Penny for your thoughts?" "Why didn't you reply to my text messages?" I say. "My phone broke down and I haven't been able to replace it." Nick replies. I want to believe him so I don't question it any further.

"Why did you and Harry fight the last time I was here?" I turn to face him, awaiting his answer. "Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about," "Tell me Nick" I need to know what the reason was. Nick shrugs "He got a little upset over something I said, that's all." "Was it about me?" I ask as Nick avoids my stare. "No, of course not. Now let's get back inside yes? It's pretty cold out here." I let Nick pull me to my feet and he leads me back inside. I feel his hand on my lower back as he guides me through the crowd and we walk towards the bar. Several people wink at me but I don't pay them any attention. "Who's this adorable little twink?" a sandy blond guy says to Nick. "Back off Zack" Nick answers.

I look around the club, trying to find Niall or Liam but without any luck. Meanwhile, Nick has ordered some shots and one of the bartenders comes over, he places 6 shot glasses on the bar and starts mixing the drinks. He then pours the liquor and every shot glass gets filled with a different colour, of course, it resembles a rainbow. I sigh and grab the yellow and orange shot. A strong taste of vodka fills my mouth and I swallow the liquor as soon as it hits the back of my throat. I quickly order a beer to flush away the taste of the vodka rainbow shots.

After a few more drinks I start to feel a pretty tipsy. I've declined most offers to dance with males or females all night but I got bored of talking to strangers or getting hit on by them. Nick had left to go to the bathroom a while ago and left me with this Zack guy who's busy making out with someone.

I hop off of the barstool I was sitting on and walk over to the dance floor. I'm not going to wait for someone to ask me to dance with them and I'm going to enjoy myself. A few metres away I finally spot Liam, he mouth's a quick "You okay?" and I give him two thumbs up as I start moving my body to the music. Before the song ends I can feel a pair of hands on my hips pulling me a little closer. I freeze when I feel a hot breath on my neck but don't bother turning around to see who it is. "What's someone like you doing all alone on this dance floor?" the person says into my ear. "'m dancing" I state the obvious. "Mind if I join?" the voice says. Then there's a scent that hits my nostrils like the smell of vanilla. I don't answer and just start swaying my hips. I don't care about the gender of the person behind me, all I care about is having fun and probably having a few more drinks. I feel the man's chest pressed to my back and my bum pressed against his groin as we dance.

I enjoy the attention I have been getting even though it took some getting used to. I feel less uncomfortable when people approached me with free drinks or wanting to dance with me or even just talk to me. There are plenty of people staring at me or as Harry would say "undressing me with their eyes". I might not have figured out my sexuality but with this amount of alcohol flowing through my body, I'm enjoying my night out even though I have barely seen my friends. "Such a pretty little twink," the man I'm dancing with or on... says into my ear. "What's a twink? People keep calling me that," I ask the guy. "You know, a young gay male, pretty boyish, no body hair or tattoos. You" he slurs a little. Not in the mood to tell the man I'm actually not gay or tell him I do actually have some body hair I just continue dancing.

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