Thirty Two

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)


Nothing really changed between Harry and me after our weekend away, well if you ask someone like Ellie or Liam. Obviously, Zayn and Niall know better. I have been giving it a lot of thought and Harry confessing his feelings for me, even though he thought I was sleeping and wouldn't hear him, has made me think about wanting to come out and show the world how much this boy means to me. I smile as our trio walks towards our lecture on Monday morning and don't really pay much attention to Ellie talking about whatever, probably her boyfriend.

"How was your weekend with your family?" She suddenly asks me. "Sorry?" I'm confused to why she would ask about my weekend with my family and even see Harry's confused look. "Didn't you visit them last weekend? The reason you missed Friday classes?" she questions. "Oh, yes! Yes absolutely delightful" I tell her and fasten my pace. "And are you feeling better Harry? Zayn told me you felt poorly but when I came to bring you the assignment you weren't in bed" Shit, would she know? How would she know?

"Oh yes, I had gone to the bathroom, couldn't keep anything down but I'm feeling loads better now!" he tells her and quickly changes the subject into something else as we enter the large building. I already forgot that I told her I went home for the weekend and I'll have to remind Harry to thank Zayn for covering for him. I want to come out instead of people finding out themselves!

We take our usual seats but Harry makes sure Ellie walks into the row first, securing his spot next to me and smiling proudly when Ellie doesn't even mention it. I pay close attention to the lecture but let Harry distract me with little drawings he's making in his notebook or small messages that he writes every once in a while. I'm glad he stopped being so secretive and actually wants me to read the things he writes down from time to time and even asking me for advice if he can't make the lyric or poem work, not that I'm much help but it feels nice.

After our second lecture, we meet the others at the library to make the tiresome shift easier on Harry and Sophie. We're gathered on the couches and the floor in front of them just talking about random things. "What's that styles?" Kylie says pointing at Harry's wrist. "It's called a tattoo, I've had it for ages Kylie, you've seen my anchor many times" he replies sticking out his tongue at her. "No, not that one you dickhead. The fresh one" she leans over to grab his wrist and examine the new tattoo and for some reason, my throat feels very dry.

"A lock? Why?" Kylie asks. "Because I like to lock away my emotions? My secrets? Because locks are cool?" Harry tries laughing it off. I shift a little, making sure my ankle is completely covered to avoid any chance of Liam, Kylie, Sophie or Ellie seeing it. Niall and Zayn know about it but they just stare at me with a straight face. Harry pushes the subject off, telling them he lost a bet and I wish I had the guts to tell them the real reason behind it but my heart is pounding in my chest and I chicken out.

Some of our friends head over to a party, leaving Zayn, Niall, Harry and I in the library. Harry somehow convinced Sophie to go with them, telling her he won't tell Max she left early. She's been very cold towards me but not as much towards Harry even though he told her straight up she needs to stop with the flirting because it's never happening. "So that was a close call with the tattoo" Zayn laughs. "Not really. I have so many already so why would it be weird if I got a new one?" Harry replies.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and pull my phone out to look at the text message. It turns out to be Stan and we text back and forth a bit as the other lads just continue to talk about something I'm not very interested in. I miss hanging out with Stan or even just talking to him but we've both been pretty occupied with University, our love life and everything else. The distance between us isn't working wonders either. I promise him to visit Doncaster to celebrate the twins birthday and to make sure to spend some time with him, already looking forward to it.

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