Twenty Seven

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)  

Please check out the prologue for my new story 'Set free' and let me know what you think! ❤


I wake up on Sunday morning to find a gorgeous and naked Harry in my arms, slightly snoring. I tuck a few of his curls behind his ear and pull the covers down slightly, feeling a little too hot in this small bed. Harry starts to move around in his sleep and his arse is currently being rubbed against my crotch and all I can think of is 'no, you've had enough action last night. Stay put!' but Harry doesn't stop. I wrap my arms around his waist to keep him from moving around and it seems to be successful. After a few minutes of admiring Harry, I decide a toilet break sounds great and I move away from Harry, trying my hardest not to wake him up as I climb out of bed and look around the room for my pants.

"Nice view," Harry says with his sexy, sexy morning voice. "Where are you going?" he asks as I put on the pants. "I'm just going to the toilet, I'll be right back" I ensure him. "I'll come with, I need to go too" he replies as he sits up in the bed. "How are you feeling?" "I feel great," he answers while getting up "Correct that, I'm alright" he laughs, I can see him limp a little as he grabs a clean pair of pants. I walk up behind him and slap his arse playfully "sore are we?" I joke. "Shut up" is the only thing he says, puts on a t-shirt and walks towards the door.

"What, no morning kiss?" I pout. "I had to give up on the good morning texts but don't take away my kisses!" I add and giggle when Harry pulls me into his arms and presses his lips against mine. "I'm sorry, I'm not a morning person." He tells me as he pulls away. "I know, I was only joking" I stand on my tippy toes and wrap my arms around his neck. "Yesterday was amazing, not just the sex but the whole evening. Thank you Lou" he smiles. "Anything for you," I tell him before pecking his lips and reminding him of the toilet break we scheduled.

"You're not going out like that, are you?" Harry asks. "Oi, yes I am mum, I don't have a clean shirt and thanks to you my button up is missing several buttons!" Harry's cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as he probably remembers how impatient he was and just decided to rip the piece of clothing off of me. He hands me a plain white t-shirt that's way too big for me, it actually reaches mid-thigh and almost makes it look like I'm wearing a dress. "Like people won't notice I'm wearing your shirt," I fumble around with the shirt a little. "Friends can have sleepovers." Harry shrugs and opens the door. He tries his best to hide his small limp and I can't help but laugh a little. The bathrooms aren't nearly as crowded as I thought they would be and we quickly have a wee and brush our teeth before returning to Harry and Zayn's dorm.

I crawl back into Harry's bed as soon as we return but see him putting on sweats and trainers. "Where do you think you're going?" I ask curiously "I'll be back in 10" is the only response I get before he's out the door and I'm left alone in his room. I look around and can't bother cleaning up so I get comfortable and watch a few videos on my phone. When Harry hasn't returned 10 minutes later I start yawning a little and rub my eyes as I put the phone down.

I can feel something on my legs and when I open my eyes again I find Harry sitting near the footboard of his bed just staring at me. "Go away you creep" I mumble, covering my face with both hands. I can feel the weight lifted off of my legs, meaning Harry must have gotten up from the bed. "I'll take these with me then," When I remove my hands I see Harry is carrying a large paper bag with the bakery's logo on it. "No, no, don't go!" I plead jokingly.

"So you just want me for the food?" Harry chuckles. "Well no, I want you for your body but you buying me breakfast the morning after makes it so much better" I tease. I put on my glasses and sit up as Harry starts unpacking the bag and hands me a plate with a delicious croissant, a bagel and a green smoothie. "Yuck, that looks healthy" I crinkle my nose as I smell it and let's hope it tastes better than it smells. "It is, how do you expect me to maintain this godlike body?" he winks. Cheeky bastard. We enjoy our breakfast as we watch some random show on Netflix from the comfort of Harry's bed.

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