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I wake up around 8 and see Niall fully clothed, sprawled on his bed. I chuckle, suddenly very glad I didn't go to the party. I'm quick to grab my toiletries, a towel, clean clothes and leave to start my day off with a nice long shower. As I open the door to the bathrooms I see several girls getting ready to take a shower or getting dressed, this makes me walk out of the bathroom faster than I entered. My cheeks turn crimson because I didn't notice the "co-ed bathroom" sign. This is not what I had expected. Why would they force males and females shower together? I sigh and walk back in. The girls giggle when I walk in again and give me a small wave. I nod and mutter a "good morning". The bathrooms are large and covered in white tiles with purple and yellow accents. It's a nice touch as those are the University colours.

Several showers cover the wall on the left and on the opposite wall there are stalls hiding toilets. In the middle, they have placed a few benches facing the sinks and mirrors which are located on the wall in between the showers and toilets. I walk towards the first unoccupied shower I lay my eyes on and pull the purple curtain to cover me from the girls sight. I start to undress and turn the hot water on and when the water reaches the right temperature I jump in. I start my shower ritual and half way through the water turns cold. Ice cold. I let out a scream, a very manly one at that. "Did you take too long?" I heard a familiar voice chuckle. I poke my head out of the curtain and see Ellie standing there. "I beg your pardon?" I ask giving her an odd look. "The hot water turns cold after about five minutes, the school's way of telling us we need to take shorter showers." "But I'm nowhere near done!" I can't rinse my body and hair with water this cold. Ellie starts laughing and points towards the shower next to mine. "You'll have to switch to a different shower or wait about 5 minutes." I start to curse under my breath as I take my belongings, trying to hide my private parts and move to the shower next to mine. Once I'm settled I'm able to finish my ritual. I dry myself off and put on clean pants, denim shorts, and a maroon tank top before exiting the shower and walking over towards the benches in the middle of the bathroom.

Ellie walks out of her shower only wearing a towel and I can't keep my eyes off of her and she must have noticed. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" she smirks. I shake my head and mutter a small apology. As Ellie puts on some sort of lotion and gets dressed in a cute white and pink summer dress, I zone out a little. She's so confident and here I am, trying to hide my naked body from anything that has eyes. I'm not fat, don't get me wrong. I work out, I like going for a run and enjoy doing yoga. I just can't seem to get rid of my small tummy and large arse. My height doesn't really help. I am 5'7" but if anyone asks, I'll tell them I'm 5'9".

While styling my fringe to the side Ellie speaks up: "Would you like to get some breakfast? I know a few nice places on campus." I nod eagerly, as I haven't had breakfast yet and am nearly starving. We agree to meet up in front of the dormitory in 10 minutes. Which gives us plenty of time to return to our dorms and put away our toiletries. Niall is still in the same position as when I left and I'm a little concerned so I poke his cheek. This earns me a grumble. "Lemme sleep." is all I hear. "Just checking if you're still alive Niall. Alright, I'm going now!" Without a response from my roommate I step out of the dorm and close the door behind me.

Ellie is already waiting for me and smiles as soon as she sees me walking towards her. "So what brings you to this beautiful university? I haven't seen you around before. I would have remembered!" Her comment makes me blush a little. "I used to attend University in Doncaster but due to circumstances, I had to transfer," I tell her. "Doncaster ey? Sounds fancy! Do they have uniforms there? I sure love a man in uniform." she asks while pointing at the cute coffee shop Niall and I passed the day before. I inform her we didn't have to wear uniforms but did dress up a bit, nor did we have co-ed bathrooms while we enter the coffee shop and sit down next to the window. I'm in the mood for some yogurt and toast while Ellie orders a bagel with avocado and cream cheese. The coffee shop is very cozy with minty green walls and dark wooden floors. It only fits about 30 people and there are small round tables, larger rectangular ones and in the corner they have a few comfortable looking couches.

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