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To say Harry Styles has completely changed my life is an understatement. If my father made different decisions back in the day I would most likely be married and have kids by the age of 25. Married to a great girl to later find out I'm actually attracted to men, possibly cheat on her or unhappily live in the closet for the rest of my life. 

Thankful is what I am. I'm thankful for my fathers' choices, thankful I was forced to change University and glad I chose Manchester to continue my education. So in theory, my father has changed my life but without Harry, my life would be completely different even after attending Manchester University. During the last two years of college, my father and I have talked on a regular basis, I now understand that the marriage between my parents was never as perfect as they made it seem to an outsider, even their own children. My mother is currently happily dating someone and so is my father, it took some time but my parents are able to have a normal conversation and be in the same room without arguing after mere minutes.

Anne and Harry's relationship hasn't made that same recovery. We see Anne a few times a year on birthdays or during the holidays but other than that she lives her life in Holmes Chapel and Harry and I live our lives in Doncaster. Anne still has a hard time to accept our relationship and the fact that Harry turned out differently than she had expected.

After graduation Harry offered to look for a place for us to live in Doncaster, nothing keeping us in Manchester as all of our friends left around the same time. Most of them living an hour or less away from us. Zayn, Perrie, Niall, and Kylie live the closest to us and we meet up on a fortnightly basis. To our surprise during one of the many parties at the white house we found the last pair snogging heavily in the corner of one of the rooms and they have been inseparable ever since.

Zayn proposed to Perrie on the day of our graduation and a year later we attended their wedding in Ibiza, a wedding party that lasted for four entire days. Thirteen months later we rushed to St. Lukes hospital in Bradford just in time for Zayn to walk out of the room with tears in his eyes, telling us her name is Hana. "It means happiness" he added as he hugged us.

Harry and I decided to save up as much money as possible for five years and open our own little bookstore/coffee shop, naming it H&L's. Some people may find the name incredibly cliché but we'd like to think of it as classic. It's the most romantic yet artistic little space I have ever seen and the day we were able to quit our shitty jobs to start working full time on restoring the building and actually opening the shop was just amazing.

A few years later Harry proposed to me on the anniversary of our first kiss, December 23rd. We got married during a small ceremony with our closest friends and family seven months later. Being able to call Harry my husband is something I never imagined possible years ago. The sense of pride and love I feel whenever I look at him is overwhelming and I still get butterflies when he touches me, kisses me even after several years.

One day Harry came home from spending a day with Zayn with a large smile on his face. I remember asking him what he did now as he slowly pulled off his shirt to reveal his plastic covered arm. My jaw dropped, literally dropped to the floor when I saw a new tattoo on his arm and not just a random one. No, the tattoo said "Louis" After telling him he was a complete idiot I jumped in his arms and kissed him senseless.

The day after Harry's 28 birthday we signed the adoption papers and became proud parents of little 4-month-old Jack. It took us nearly two years but the struggle was soon forgotten when we travelled to Russia to pick up baby Jack. He was found in a cardboard box in a tiny village on the east side of the country. An elderly woman brought him to the hospital, his biological parents remain unknown.

By the time Jack turned 3 we travelled to China to welcome 3-month-old Maci into our lives. She was brought into the hospital after her teenage mother gave birth to her, rape being the cause of her pregnancy and poverty the cause she couldn't provide her baby with the life she deserves. I remember Harry asking me if we could name the little girl our self because he wasn't sure if he could see himself walk through a store calling our daughter Xiaosheng, the name was given to her by the local hospital.

It must have been the happiest moment of our lives as little Jack was sat on Harry's shoulders, unsure of what was happening around him and I stood in front of them, holding baby Maci in my arms. "I love you," Harry said as he stepped closer to peck my lips. "And I love you" I replied.

Change doesn't always have to be bad, embrace it.

The end


Thank you guys for the support and a special thanks to the hand full of people who have supported me from the early stages of this story. I don't have to point them out because they'll know. ❤

Please check out my other stories Remember Me and Set Free!

Please check out my other stories Remember Me and Set Free!

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