Twenty Four

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I couldn't sleep last night, I kept tossing and turning but nothing worked. I ended up reading one of my books by the light of my phone, not wanting to wake up Niall by turning on the big light in the room. I stare at my clock and when it's 5 o'clock I've had enough. I get out of bed, brush my teeth and hair and gather whatever I need for the gym. I quickly change into clean clothing and make my way over to the gym. The thing I like about the campus gym is that it's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, holidays not included. I don't like having to wait while others use the machine that I planned to use, going at this hour should mean it's nearly empty.

I throw my bag into a locker and slam it shut, unsure of where the aggression is coming from but I make my way to the treadmill and sigh happily to see there are only two other people in the gym. I nod curtly and plug in my earplugs and search for one of those Spotify workout playlists. After an hour I ran 6 miles and the sweat is dripping down my face. I stop the machine, hop off and take a large gulp of my water before walking over to the other side of the gym to work on my legs and arms.

I've been working the bench press for a while and I might have taken on a little more than I can handle, I'm struggling to get the weight back onto the holder. My arms can't support the weight anymore and the bar lands on my chest. "Fuck" I mumble. I'm able to prevent the bar from slamming onto my chest but my muscles have started to ache and I can't get the barbell off of me.

"You alright there?" I hear someone ask. "A little help would be nice" I squeak and the weight is easily lifted off of my chest. I'm finally able to sit up and rub my wrists. "You always need a spotter, It could have ended a lot worse kid," I turn around and thank the buff stranger for helping me out. I know he's right but that doesn't mean I'll admit it out loud. I clean off the bench press and notice that it's nearing 8 o' clock, time sure does fly. I decide a hot shower will be nice and walk into the dressing rooms. Once I've taken off my clothes and hop into the shower I shampoo my hair while thinking about how I always end up either hurting myself or exhausting myself in the gym because something Harry-related happened. I need to stop this and figure things out before it gets out of hand. I finish my shower and get dressed, on my way back to my dorm I grab a cup of coffee and when I return I change into some more presentable clothes and head back out so I'll be on time for my first lecture.

"Aren't you going inside?" Ellie asks as I stop in my tracks a few feet away from the classroom. "You go ahead, I'll be right there" I reply while looking at the occupied tables. Harry isn't here yet and I'm pacing up and down the corridor when I see a mop of curls round the corner a few minutes later. I jog up to him and grab his elbow before he can enter the classroom. Harry turns around, eyebrows raised, lips pressed into a hard line. "We need to talk," I say when he doesn't speak up soon enough for my liking. "Go ahead." He replies and I can't help but feel pain at how harsh his tone is. "Not here," I tell him and pull him in the direction of one of the empty classrooms that are usually being used for tutoring, group projects and probably also hook-ups.

I open the door and motion for Harry to enter, he walks in and takes a seat on the professors' desk while I close and lock the door. I walk up to Harry and start speaking "I'm sorry for coming on to you like that the other day," "Why did you though?" Harry questions. I fumble with my hands as I slowly walk closer to Harry. I step in between his parted legs, my knees hitting the desk. "I did some research like we discussed and I guess I'm just really nervous" I shrug and start to draw circles on Harry's thigh with my fingers.

"Why are you nervous?" His tone goes from harsh and cold to soft. "It's new, it will probably hurt and I'm just scared" I confess. "Then why rush into it? Do you just want to get it over with?" I nod and feel Harry's hands on my back, pushing me closer so he can hug me properly. "I'm scared too" he whispers. "You are?" I wrap my arms around him and just inhale his scent. "Of course but I want it to be special and I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that." I pull back so I can look him in the eye and I tuck a few curls behind his ear. "Forgive and forget?" I ask. "Forgive and forget" he smiles.

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