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I wake up to the smell of freshly baked pancakes and I rub my eyes to see Stan is still sound asleep on the air mattress next to my bed. I check my phone to see I have received several birthday wishes from family as well as from friends and remember I haven't actually replied to the text Harry has sent me yesterday.

To: Harry – Thank you! I didn't think you'd remember. :)

I get up and run my hand through my hair. I search my bag for some sweatpants, clean boxers and a t-shirt, get dressed and make my way downstairs knowing Stan will follow once he wakes up. I hear voices coming from the kitchen but as soon as I enter the conversation falls quiet.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" everyone chants in unison. My sisters Phoebe and Daisy come running towards me and hug me tightly. "We've missed you, Lou!" Daisy says. "I've missed you guys so much." I crouch down to their level and hug them back. I really have missed this. Phoebe and Daisy don't have a mobile phone so I would occasionally speak to them when I called mum whereas Felicite and Charlotte are older and need to travel a little longer to get to school so mum bought them both a mobile phone. We text every now and then to stay in touch.

I give my mum a kiss on her cheek and take a seat at the dining table. "Smells delicious mum!" I say as she puts the plate in front of me. "mmm so good!" I mumble as I take the first bite. Everyone is staring at me and Felicite speaks up "It's like you haven't eaten in years!" "Oh shush!" I say, taking another bite.

Presents are placed in front of me before I have finished eating. "Open mine first!" Daisy voices. "No mine!" Phoebe yells. "He'll like my drawing better than yours!" Daisy says, sticking out her tongue at her twin. I can see the tears well up in Phoebe's eyes and I pull her onto my lap. "I'm sure I'll like both of your presents equally." I place a kiss on her hair and take the last bite of my breakfast.

"How about I open mums present first?" The twins nod and I take the envelope from my mums' hands. I open to find a year subscription to Netflix, her annual present for several years now. "Thank you, mum! You know how much I love it!" I open the other presents and find out that the twins have made several lovely drawings I can use to decorate my dorm with. They usually draw the exact same thing and I like the two family portraits most, even though my father is still in them. Felicite, my sassy younger sister who's very into fashion, has gotten me a lovely dark blue button up and Charlotte has bought me a white mug with my initials on it. "Guys, thank you so much!" I hug and kiss every single family member present and take my plate over to the sink.

"How about you girls go wake up Stan?" my mum discreetly tries to get some one-on-one time. Once the girls are out of hearing range she hands me another envelope. "This is your birthday and Christmas present from your father." "I don't want anything from that man," I tell her angrily. "That man is your father Louis. I know he has done some horrible things that have affected all of you but he still cares for you." She comments.

"Throwing around money, such a lovely way to show how much he cares." I refuse to take the envelope and my mother sighs. "I'm right, aren't I? It's a cheque." I ask. "Yes and either you take it from me right now or I will put the money into your bank account. I know you don't want his money but who knows how he'll act next year? We might never hear from him again. You can use the money any way you like but I hope you'll make wise decisions." She offers the envelope again and I just walk into her arms and hug her. "I hate him!" I breathe into her hair. I feel her arms around my waist and it takes a few seconds for her to reply. "I know honey. I'm not very fond of the man either." We pull apart when we hear the girls running downstairs. "I'll just add the money to your account, alright?" I nod and mouth a thank you.

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