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On our way back to the dorm the rain doesn't stop. Instead, it has started pouring and by the time we enter the building we're both soaking wet. "Oh no! I forgot my keys!" Ellie squeaks. She starts to type a number into her phone while I search my pockets for my own set of keys. "So you won't be back for another hour or two?" I hear Ellie say into her phone. "Alright, thanks." She holds the phone in her hand and looks up at me with a pout. "Mind if I come back to your dorm for a bit? Kylie will be out for at least another hour, maybe even two." "Of course not. Come on then!" I say while draping my arm over her shoulder while I lead her towards my dorm room. I unlock the door and find the room empty.

I walk into the room and open my dresser to look for some clothes to put on. "I can offer you some sweatpants and a t-shirt if you'd like. You'll get sick if you keep wearing that dress." I tell Ellie. "Already trying to get into my pants?" I see the smirk on her face and a slight blush makes it way to my cheeks. "You sure do blush a lot. I was only kidding Louis." I take the smallest shirt I can find and a pair of old sweatpants and offer them to her. I turn around to give her the opportunity to change but as I'm looking around the room I see Ellie's reflection in one of my photo frames right as she pulls the t-shirt over her head. I can't help but admire her beauty. She's shorter than me but still has a nice curvaceous and feminine body. How could I not be physically attracted to her? "You can turn back around now." She giggles.

My clothes are way a bit big on her and it looks a little odd but cute. I excuse myself and walk to the bathroom, having to go for a wee is a great excuse to get changed there instead of in front of Ellie. When I return I lay our wet clothing down on my chair hoping they will dry soon. I see Ellie has crawled into my bed, "I'm sorry but it's just so cold in here." I can see her shivering and I sit down on the edge of the bed "We could watch a movie." I suggest. She nods and I grab my laptop, opening Netflix. I let her pick out a movie while I get into a more comfortable position. We end up watching The Avengers because Ellie was in the mood for hot men in action and I can't really be bothered. During the movie, I feel Ellie move a little closer, not that I mind. I put my arm around her shoulder so she can lay her head down on my chest and she takes the opportunity.

Half way through the movie Ellie's breaths start to become even and I look down and see her laying down with her eyes closed. She must have dozed off, feeling a little tired myself I put the laptop on the floor next to my bed, trying not to wake up Ellie and pull up the duvet up to cover us.

The next thing I hear is Niall barging through the door and waking me up. He stops and stares at us, "oh, I didn't know I was interrupting anything. I can leave if you want!" he offers. "We just fell asleep watching a movie. You're not interrupting anything." I feel Ellie stir and she rubs her eyes a little, careful not to smear her makeup "Morning," she yawns. "It's actually half 8," Niall says teasingly but she doesn't offer a reply. We both sit up a little before she speaks again "Kylie should be back by now. I'll give you your clothes back tomorrow." Ellie kisses my cheek, gets up and walks out of my dorm room. I touch my cheek and try to hide my smile. "You start talking right this instant!" Niall jumps on the bed which caused me to fall off. "Nothing happened Niall. We went to the library and she forgot her keys." "Oh yes, forgot her keys, now did she?" I get up from my position on the floor and punch Niall's arm. "You've probably scared her away," I tell him. "That wasn't my intention. She seems nice." Niall actually looks apologetic and I feel sorry for him. "Yes, she's very nice." I smile.

Remembering I still need to buy my books and sheets before classes start, I glance over at the clock "At what time does the bookstore close around here?" "I'm pretty sure they close at 9," Niall informs me. This gives me a little over 20 minutes to run to the bookstore and get everything I need. Niall doesn't feel like joining me so I put on some shoes, grab my phone, keys, and earplugs and walk out the door. It would be nice to go for a little run so I select the Scars & stories album by The Fray and as soon as I exit the building I start running.

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