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A/N: Alright, it's my first time writing smut so take it easy on me. Just don't hate me!

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It can't be disappointment, right? Maybe Harry thought we would spend less time with him and the others when Ellie and I are officially a couple. Maybe I should play matchmaker and hook him up. Harry would be happy and we can go on double dates, a win-win situation! Mission: Find Harry a girlfriend will begin after I inform Ellie. She's bound to have a girlfriend who would be happy to go out with him. Who wouldn't? He's a good looking lad, let's be honest.

Ten minutes later Harry emerges from the back room. "Are you alright?" I ask, looking up at him as approaches. "Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind lately," He replies. "Something I can help you with?" Harry shakes his head, takes out his phone and starts texting.

"So, what's your favourite book?" I change my sitting position to where I'm now facing Harry and cross my legs. "I can't just choose one," He tells me while looking up at me. "I enjoy reading older books like Pride and Prejudice, To Kill a Mockingbird or Jane Eyre but I'm also a secret John Green lover." As soon as he finishes his sentence, his attention drifts back to his phone. "Well, I really love Harry Potter and The Catcher in the Rye but my all-time favourite book would be Of Mice and Men. I think the author tells the story of George and Lennie so well."

"Mhm" is the only reaction I get from Harry. Who is he texting and why is he not paying attention to our conversation? I lean forward and snatch the phone from Harry's hands. "Hey! Give that back!" Finally, I have his attention. "Nope," I smirk. Popping the 'p'. As Harry leans forward to grab his phone, I begin to lean backwards holding my hand and his phone high above my head. After a few seconds, I lose my balance and fall back, Harry crawls over and is now hovering over me. With his left hand, he's holding himself up while he reaches for his phone with the other I have his phone clutched in my hand and refuse to let go and Harry's must have seen this as he starts to tickle me with his right hand. I can't help but laugh, I'm very ticklish. "H-Harry, s-stop! I-I can't!" I laugh.

As tears start to roll down my cheeks, I let go of my grip on Harry's phone and let it drop on the floor. He stops tickling me and quickly reaches for the phone. His head is suddenly inches away from mine and I can feel his hot breath on my face as he stares at me, seeming to be in deep thought. I'm still trying to get my breathing back to normal as I take in his facial features. His emerald eyes, his nose and finally my eyes drift down to his plump, pink lips. Why am I staring at his lips? My eyes move back up to his when we are startled by the vibration of his phone, informing us there was an incoming call. Harry swiftly gets up, answers the phone and starts talking to the person on the other end of the line.

What just happened? I get up and walk over to fetch my bag. I take out the copy of Red Queen and sat back down on the sofa. Harry is still talking to whoever called him when I finish my fourth chapter. "Come entertain me, Harry!" I whine loud enough for Harry to hear. Harry gives me a quick nod and ends his phone call shortly after. He walks over with his bag in his hands. "And how am I supposed to entertain you?" he asks. "We could play another game. I'm bored and we still have an hour before we can close up!" Harry agrees and we end up playing silly games like tick-tack-toe, hangman and a game called dots and boxes.

As soon as the janitor arrives we get up, greet him and leave the building so the man can do his job. I'm happy to go back to my dorm. My body still isn't used to our morning workouts and I just want to lay on my bed and sleep.

A few weeks have gone by and I'm enjoying my classes. I went on a several non-date-dates with Ellie, and Niall and I have been hanging out with her group of friends on a daily basis. Our workouts are starting to pay off, I have lost a few pounds and abs are becoming visible. Ellie and I have set up Harry with several girls but they never ended up going on a second or third date. He doesn't  seem to mind but refused to go on double dates with any of us.

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