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Feeling a little bored I turn to Niall who is busily working on his computer. "Can we go watch a movie or go shopping?" I ask him. "I can't, I have to finish this paper on Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalysis by tomorrow 5 o'clock and all I've got written down is my name and the title, sorry mate. Maybe ask Ellie?" I sigh "I would but she's working today." "Go ask anyone else but please, please let me work on this." I nod, put on some shoes, collect my keys, wallet, and phone and walk out of the dorm. I walk down the corridor and scroll through my phone looking for someone to hang out with. Without paying attention I turn the corner and bump into someone. "I'm so sorry!" I say. When I look to see who the body I walked into belongs to I'm surprised with chocolate brown curls and emerald green eyes. "'s fine," he replies as he walks away. "Harry, Wait up!" I try to stop him from walking away but it's not very effective. "I can't talk, I'm very busy." And before I can say another word, he's already gone.

I walk outside and call a few people but no one picks up, so I make my way over to the bookstore. If no one wants to hang out with me I might as well buy some new books that I can read. When I enter I'm greeted by Nick and I take my time picking out a few books. I lay them down on the counter and wait for Nick to scan them. "Great choices, I've read this one as well," he says pointing at one of the books. I offer him a smile but don't reply. "I get off in 10 minutes, want to go grab a coffee?" I nod and smile as he puts my purchases into a plastic bag. I promised to wait outside so I sit down with my back against the brick wall and pull out my phone. I haven't spoken to my mum in a while, so I give her a ring. The conversation doesn't last very long because my sisters need to be picked up from school but it's nice to hear her voice and I'm glad everyone back home is doing alright.

After about 15 minutes Nick exits the bookstore and pulls me to my feet. We make our way over to the coffee shop and talk about the trip to Windermere. "I had such a good time and Emma did too," He smiles. Emma, who was she again? Oh right, his girlfriend! I haven't really spoken to the girl the entire trip. She doesn't usually hang out with us and was invited by Nick. "Why did she choose to bunk with the girls, instead of sleep with you on the couch?" I ask him curiously. "Why would she?" He gives me a baffled look as we step into the line to order our drinks. "Well she is your girlfriend, isn't she?" Nick starts laughing and orders his coffee. "Who told you that?" I shrug and place my order. "We're just mates besides I could never fall for her, she's missing a very important body part." Nick must have seen the confused look on my face as he continues "A penis, I'm gay Louis." Well, I didn't see that one coming. "Right, I totally knew that," I tell him when the barista hands us our beverages. We sit down at one of the small tables and I can't help but ask: "Did you put in the confession about questioning your sexuality then?" "Oh no, I'm very open about it. I thought you had written it down actually." He tells me.

"I'm not gay," I say. It comes out unnecessarily defensive. "I'm sorry but you just give off this gay vibe. The way you walk, talk, no facial hair, those big thighs, the large ar-" "Yes, yes, I get the point. I'm not, though." I cut him off. "Who do you reckon the slip belonged to then?" I question. Nick tells me he doesn't get the 'gay vibe' from anyone else so that doesn't really help me figure it out. "We can always find out through the game 'never have I ever' at the next party." I sigh "That game is lame besides the person obviously doesn't want to come out as bisexual or gay. We'll just have to wait and see." I tell him before taking another sip from my cup.

Over the course of the next few weeks I work several shifts at the library but none of them have been with Harry. I was looking forward to spending some time with him but whenever I call he doesn't pick up his phone, whenever I text him I get a reply hours later with an excuse to why he can't come around or hang out and in class he only speaks when he's spoken to. I'm getting the feeling he's avoiding me but then again he hasn't really been hanging out with Ellie or Niall either so I could be completely wrong. Ellie and I have officially become a couple the day I went out for coffee with Nick. I had taken her out for dinner and it was a rather romantic setting. I'm glad she said yes and my mother already told me she can't wait to meet her.

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