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After only 4 hours of sleep, I'm woken up by the twins who have started jumping on my bed in excitement. "It's Christmas Lou!" one of them cheers. "Santa brought us presents!" I really wanted to tell them to leave me be and come wake me up around noon but today is Christmas day and it's probably the last year they will believe Santa brought the presents so who am I to ruin the fun?

I grab Phoebe, who's currently jumping on the mattress on my left side, I pull her down and start tickling her. Soon after I'm able to catch Daisy and pull her towards me and both Phoebe and I start tickling her. "Is everyone else awake?" I ask the girls. They both nod, "Mum's already making breakfast with Charlotte, and Felicite is in the bathroom!" Daisy says running towards the hallway. I sit on the edge of my bed and motion for Phoebe to climb on my back. "PIGGYBACK RIDE!" she yells as she kicks my sides. "Careful there, this piggy just woke up" I chuckle.

I walk downstairs and mum has really outdone herself. She has served pancakes with fresh fruit, whip cream, bacon, coffee, tea, juice, doughnuts, eggs and I can go on and on! She has even turned the twins pancakes into Santa using whip cream and strawberries. We start eating as the twins open their presents, obviously, they can't wait any longer. We take our time to eat breakfast and open all the presents. I have received a few new books, clothing, a few gift cards and we all have a ticket to Alton Towers as mum planned for us to go there in a few days. The group has gotten me some new books as well as a few DVD's, some candy, a travel mug, slippers and a keychain.

Mum has already talked to the parents of Felicite and Charlotte's best friends so their parents have bought them a ticket to the theme park as well. She tells me to invite Stan so he can keep me company and go on the roller coasters with me. My mum won't even go near one and uses the twins as an excuse because they're too short to ride them. Felicite and Charlotte will be riding them with their best friends but they will only go on a few of them. We give mum the photo frame and she actually starts crying, she hugs us all and immediately replaces the old photo above the fireplace with the new one. I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time.

Around noon, my grandparents come over and we have a lovely time listening to them tell old stories about mum and even us when we were little. The rest of the day is spent talking, playing board games and lots of eating the delicious home-made dishes my mum and grandmother have made for today.

I take a seat on the sofa and sigh. I think I've eaten my entire body weight in food today and pat my belly satisfied as Charlotte takes a seat next to me. "Is Ellie going to visit you? Or are you going to visit her during your time off?" she asks. "No, I'll see her when I get back on campus." I shrug. "Don't you miss her?" Where is this coming from? "Eh, why?" I ask her slightly confused. "Because she's your girlfriend silly!" oh, I forgot I haven't actually told anyone besides mum that we broke up. I scratch the back of my neck, thinking of how to tell her this. "We kind of broke up a little while ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I can see the disappointing look on her face. We are pretty close but she is 16 so I don't feel the need to share everything with her and to be honest, I really didn't think about telling her. "I don't know. Sorry." "Well, that explains why she has been posting photo's with a different dude on social media. You should really start using it more." She says. "Why? I don't feel the need to post photos of my meals online!" We both laugh, Charlotte knows I don't use social media that often and like to keep to myself but that doesn't keep her from trying to convince me every now and then.

The day after Christmas I go over to Stan's house to play some video games and hang out. Stan is showing me the things he has gotten for Christmas which are mainly new video games, clothes, a record player and a lot of records. His parents are barely home so they have always tried to make up for it with presents. Stan says he doesn't really mind not having them around as much and if he really doesn't mind I won't have to feel guilty for loving all his new games! I bring up the trip to Alton and invite him to come with us but he informs me that he'll be out of town for two days as he will be visiting family across the country. "I will be stuck with my sisters and their friends!" I say as I let myself fall back onto the bed. "Why don't you invite Luke?" Stan suggests. "Because he's visiting his girlfriend in London and won't be back in time." I pout.

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