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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :) 

Spoiler alert for people who want to go to Alton Towers and have not been on Nemesis Sub-Terra!


We walk into the park, meet up with mums friend and her kids and we walk towards the first ride. It's a kiddy ride and I escort Phoebe, who's not very fond of the ride before we even get on. The terrified look on her face fades as soon as the ride starts. After a third time, I tell her there are plenty of other rides to explore and we get off. I watch the bags as the others go into the next ride and I check my phone but there's no response from Harry. I had let him know where we went and he should have arrived 10 minutes ago, I sigh and but the phone back. "LOUUUU!!!" I hear a few of the girls scream from the ride as their cart passes me and I just smile and wave as they go by.

"Louis?" I hear a familiar voice from behind. I turn around and see Harry running towards me, he wraps his arms around me and I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Hi," I say into his curls. "Aren't you going to introduce us?" I hear a female voice say. Harry pulls back and introduces me to his sister Gemma and her boyfriend Jamie. "Lovely to meet you. My family will be here soon, I think the ride is just about done." I say while shaking Gemma and Jamie's hand.

It's a little awkward because Harry and I are staring at each other without knowing what to say. I'm glad to see my family getting off the ride and walking towards us. "SO MUCH FUN LOU!" Daisy yells, running towards me. "Hi, there!" Harry says but Daisy apparently didn't noticed Harry and the others at first and steps behind me, using me to shield her from the strangers. I crouch down, knowing how shy she can get and say: "Look, Daisy, this is my friend Harry and these are Gemma and Jamie." "You have a very lovely bow in your hair, Daisy. Blue is one of my favourite colours!" Harry tells Daisy as her cheeks turn red. Once the others walk over she quickly runs towards mum.

"Everyone, this is Harry, his sister Gemma and her boyfriend Jamie." Harry waves and shakes a few hands whereas Gemma curtly nods. I introduce everyone and we walk towards the next ride. It takes only a few minute for the twins to warm up to Harry and soon they're asking him questions like why his hair is so curly and why he's so tall compared to me.

Around lunchtime, we sit down at the Fish and chips place near Nemesis and we decide to split up so the older kids can go their own way and get on some rollercoasters. "Louis, can you help me taking the four little kids to the bathroom?" mum asks. I'm a little confused, the girls are old enough to use the bathroom on their own and so are Karens, mum's friend's kids but without questioning it I get up and take the four kids over to the bathrooms just around the corner. Mum lets the first two kids into the stalls and closes the doors to give them some privacy. "He's pretty cute boobear." She whispers. So that was her motive, some time alone to hear me out! I button up Phoebe's jeans as soon as she steps out of the stall, the zipper tends to get stuck every now and then and she can't zip these pants herself. "It's clear that you two get along really well and there's been a smile on your face ever since he arrived. The girls seem to like him too." I chuckle "Let's not get ahead of ourselves mum,"

Gemma and Jamie head off to spend some alone time as well as Felicite, Charlotte and their two friends. Harry and I will have four hours to stroll through the park and go on rides as mum and Karen take care of the little kids. Mum has given everyone clear instructions to meet back at the entrance at closing time and Gemma made the same deal with Harry.

We walk around the park and it's pretty cold but the positive side of the cold is that there aren't many people in the park and the queues aren't very long. We ride a few of the roller coasters such as Th13teen and Rita and we're having an absolute blast but I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Niall and I could have acted the exact same way as Harry and I are acting right now. Should I make a move? Or does he regret kissing me? "Louis?" I hear Harry say. "Sorry, what did you say?" I ask a little embarrassed. "I asked if you wanted to go into Nemesis Sub-Terra. I haven't been on it but I'm sure it'll be good!" I agree and we get in the small queue. It looks like a large army container and there are no visible signs of a roller coaster. We hand over our bags and coats and wait for the doors to open so we can enter, I hope it'll be warmer inside.

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