Forty Two

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We spend our Sunday hanging out with the entire crew, Zayn has even brought Perrie along and smiled ever so sweetly when he announced they are officially dating. The girls include her in their girl talk about what they will wear to Liam's parents' wedding because yes, everyone has been invited and I already know this will be a night to remember. We hang out at the park, the idea was to study but we all seem to have forgotten our books and all have brought a lot of snacks and drinks instead. Liam brought a Bluetooth speaker and Niall is our personal DJ, who does take requests as long as we feed him crisps or cookies.

Harry is lying on his back next to me, staring at the clouds with his arms supporting his head. I'm on my stomach in the grass, feet up and I'm lazily collecting small daisies and creating a tiny flower crown but giving up on the idea when the chain keeps breaking, occasionally pecking Harry's lips if I feel like it or when the others aren't watching.

When Zayn addresses Harry, trying to invite him into the conversation he's having with Liam, Harry rolls over onto his stomach and is now even closer to me than before but who's complaining? He places his arm around me as he answers Zayn's question. Harry has gotten a lot more comfortable with our relationship and whispers sweet or naughty comments in my ear whenever he wants to, even in public. When Zayn and Liam discuss something, I'm wasn't paying attention to, to begin with, Harry leans in and whispers into my ear "Your bum looks phenomenal" I feel my cheeks heat up and roll my eyes, knowing Harry won't do anything to make our friends uncomfortable or something unacceptable besides make me uncomfortable or squirm.

Niall and I talk about my internship and I tell him I've finally decided to call it quits, not just because my father is behind everything but because it feels like a waste of time and it feels like I'm taking a spot away from someone who really wants it because they have invited me back next year. I haven't told Josh or principal Winters yet because I want to tell my father first. I've been trying to get a hold of him which is proven to be rather difficult and when I texted him to ask when he's free I either have classes or project meetings I can't skip out on. Every single time I have nothing planned he's either busy, out of town or even out of the country and I don't want to get my hopes up but I was thinking about giving him a second chance but if he can't even make time to have coffee with me for 15 minutes I doubt I should.

The hours go by and it's such a lovely day that we completely forget the time. None of my friends have to work tonight so it doesn't really matter but it's getting closer to dinner time and even though we've been snacking, we're starting to get hungry. Harry and Kylie offer to buy different kinds of food, Liam and Ellie go to the supermarket to buy one of those portable campfire pits to keep us warm and I have offered to grab a few blankets from my dorm.

"Mind if I join you?" Sophie asks, wiping some grass off her bum. I don't really know what to say but I just offer her a small smile and start walking. She matches her pace with mine and we walk in silence for the first hundred or so metres. "So" she starts. "So" reply. "I don't hate you, you know?" and I want to snort but that would be considered rude so I stay silent, hoping she'll say whatever she wants to tell me and go away. "I just wasn't your biggest fan when you and Niall joined our group of friends."

"No shit Sherlock" I reply, unable to keep the comment to myself. "Ever since you showed up Harry didn't pay me any attention and I was pissed because he was mine and I couldn't figure out why he stopped wanting me. It makes a girl insecure, you know?" This is the first time she's said more than a handful of words and I guess I can understand, a little. "After that, you started dating Ellie so she wouldn't have any time for me and Kylie" she continues. "It wasn't you, it could have been anyone but taking away the boy I liked and my best friend just instantly made me dislike you. So I may have been a little bitchy" A little? Bitch, please.

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