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We drive from Manchester to Liverpool and we play a few car games on the way there. Harry yells out every city he thinks we might go to but I don't say a thing, not wanting to ruin the surprise. After about 40 minutes Harry has figured out we're heading over to Liverpool but starts asking what we're going to be doing once we arrive. The expression on his face is priceless when we drive past the city centre and he starts questioning if we're not actually going to Liverpool after all. Harry does not like surprises and I have decided that I very much like surprising him and should do it more often.

I drive into a small country road with a sign telling us it has a dead end "So, this is it. This is where you plan on murdering me then?" Harry asks. "Oh yes, finally figured it out have you?" I joke and pull into the driveway of an old but very lovely looking house. I turn off the engine and Harry is staring at me, I sure do hope he will like it. "Come on, let's go" I smile cautiously. Harry grabs the bags from my trunk, still not saying a single word and before we're even close enough to ring the doorbell the door flies open revealing what I presume is the hostess. "Hello darling, you must be Louis. I'm Margret, we spoke over the phone" she says while offering me her hand and I politely shake it.

We enter the adorable but very dated house and I look around, complimenting Margret on her lovely home. She takes us into the kitchen and sits us down for some tea as she asks us random questions. We learn that Margret and her husband have been running the bed and breakfast for many years now. They have 3 children and a handful of grandchildren but they all live up north so they rarely get to see them. Margret is around the age of 65, wild guess and very direct. She doesn't hesitate to ask if Harry and I are lovers and a big smile spreads across her face when we tell her that we are indeed.

She tells us a story about how one of her daughters is married to her amazing wife and how they have adopted two kids already. It's nice to know we will be able to fully enjoy the weekend away, knowing our host won't mind seeing some handholding around the house. After two cups of tea, Margret takes us out to her garden where we find a small cottage. She hands us a set of keys and tells us she'll have breakfast ready by 8 but won't mind of we sleep in a little.

Harry unlocks the door and steps inside. It reminds me of the house Iris from the movie The Holiday lived in, it's very cosy with just enough room for two people and even has an adorable fireplace

"You arranged this?" Harry says while just looking around the house. "You wanted more alone time so I figured what better than just leaving for a few days?" I tell him and as soon as I have finished my sentence Harry has swooped me off my feet, arms around my waist, my feet dangling above the ground and I can't help but smile. "Thank you," he says before pressing his lips against mine. My arms find their way to Harry's shoulders and I kiss him back passionately. Harry slowly lets me slide down until my feet are on the floor again, he presses his forehead against mine and looks deeply into my eyes. "You're very welcome" I smile.

We put away a few of our items like our toiletries, clothing for the next day and I shove Harry's presents, including the ring under my side of the bed hoping he won't look there for whatever reason. "What are we going to do now?" Harry asks while skipping into the bedroom. "It's up to you really. We can go explore the city, hang out here the choice is yours" I take a seat on the bed, feet in front of the presents, trying to hide them from sight. Harry walks over to me and taps my knee, silently asking me to spread my legs so he can stand in between them and automatically I do so. Harry cups my cheeks and connects our lips once again.

Before things get too steamy I pull back slightly, telling Harry it's still very early and I'm getting a little hungry. We decide to head into the city centre and ask Margret what restaurant would be good for lunch and dinner and she tells us about several places she really enjoys going to. Harry drives my car and we try to find an affordable parking space not too far from the centre, we drive around for a little and decide on just parking as close as possible and ignoring the sky-high prices because apparently there aren't any cheaper spots left.

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