Thirty Eight

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A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote! :)


I wake up feeling warm and just overall happy. I can hear people whisper but all I want is to go back to sleep. "They look so cute!" I hear someone say followed by an immediate "Sssh! Be quiet!" from someone else. I give up on the idea of falling back asleep now that I know there are multiple people in the room and slowly open my eyes, letting them get adjusted to the light.

I look around and it takes a few seconds before I remember where I am, I'm with Harry at the hospital because he was in a car crash. I move so I can look at him and find him still asleep, his eyes closed, slight bags underneath them and the awful bandage on his head, the reminder of the event that I will always blame myself for no matter what everyone else tries to tell me. I can feel his arm around me, giving me a sense of security.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty" I hear a familiar voice say and already forgot there were others in the room. I turn my head to see not only Niall but Zayn, Kylie, Ellie and Sophie and I offer them a small smile. "What time is it?" I ask no one in particular. "It's already past 10 o'clock. Visiting hours have just started so we figured we'd check up on the both of you" Niall tells me and I rub my eyes. 10 in the morning, that means I probably only got about 4 hours of sleep, no wonder I still feel exhausted.

I turn around in Harry's hold, finding the courage to get out of the bed and leave Harry's warmth for a wee and to freshen up but Harry tightens his grip around my waist and grumbles. I lift up his arm and climb out of the bed, making sure to cover Harry with the blanket before walking past my friends to the small bathroom that is attached to Harry's room.

Once I've freshened up a bit I sit down on the floor next to Zayn and Niall. Sophie and Ellie have taken a seat on the chairs and Kylie opted to just stand. "How are you feeling?" Ellie asks curiously. "Tired but I'm just happy he's alright," I tell her, rubbing my hands on my jeans, still feeling a little awkward about everything that has happened or has been said.

No one really dares to speak after that, whether it is not to wake Harry or if they're unsure of what to say but after a while, Kylie is fed up. "I can't take this anymore. Why is there tension in the room? Why are you two not saying anything?" she asks staring at Sophie and Ellie and they both shrug. "Is it about the whole gay thing? Because if it is; get over it. I told you two after meeting Louis that he gave me a gay vibe" she says, pointing at me. "Oi!" I laugh.

"I'm not wrong, never am. My gaydar is on point." She winks at me and I can't really argue now but if she would have told me months ago I wouldn't have appreciated it and probably would have denied everything.

"It's just weird alright?" Sophie says with annoyance clear in her voice. "It'll take some getting used to," she adds and I completely understand. Hell, it took me months to accept the feelings I have towards the man lying just a few metres away from me and as cliché as it may sound, I don't want to imagine my life without him. Kylie argues with the other girls as they whine about how they were 'dating' us and how we're into men now but I don't pay any attention to their conversation and just listen to Zayn and Niall talk instead.

About an hour later Harry wakes up and I jump to my feet, asking him how he feels or if he needs anything but he just pouts his lips and I peck them quickly earning a heavy sigh from Kylie. "I want that!" she whispers to someone and my face turns scarlet, once again forgetting there are others in the room, completely in our own little bubble.

I press the button on the wall to ask for a nurse so she can check up on Harry and change his bandage or whatever she needs to do so he can leave as soon as possible and she arrives minutes later. I tell Harry we're going to get some coffee and breakfast and will be right back and he nods but I can see the sadness on his face and can't help myself, walk back over to him and hug him carefully. "I'll be back soon, okay?" I whisper into his ear. When he doesn't respond I add "I'm never leaving you. You're stuck with me Styles, forever!"

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