Twenty One

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There are no parking spaces left near the house, apparently a lot of the partygoers took their own car and now I'm forced to park near the end of the street and walk towards the house to pick up Harry because I didn't see him outside waiting for me. The neighbourhood doesn't look like it's one of the best, I don't want to call it 'the hood' but I'm pretty sure I've spotted a drug dealer or two in the last five minutes on my drive over here. I park the car and make sure there are no expensive looking items in sight before I lock it, check it and double check it before I walk up to the house.

I'm greeted by several drunk people and this party sure goes on a long time. It's getting close to half 4 in the morning and I just hope to find Harry soon so we can either go to his house or back to mine. I try calling Harry but my calls go straight to voicemail and I just decide to walk through the house and search for him. "Well, hello there!" a skinny blonde slurs as she tries to put her arms around me. "Sorry love," I reply as I place her arms on the guy next to her and apparently she doesn't mind because she starts kissing him immediately. In the kitchen, I find a few sober looking guys smoking pot and I approach them. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Harry, have you seen him?" I ask them politely. "Harry, do we know a Harry lads?" a tall black-haired guy responds. "Don't think we do Chris," the buff friend replies. "Curly hair, pretty tall, skinny?" I ask.

I get a little nervous when I see the smug look on their faces. "Oh him!" the buff guy says. "Haven't seen him for quite some time now have we?" one of the other guys replies. "What did you do to him?" I say angrily. "Where is he?" I shout. "Calm down, we didn't do shit. He went upstairs with a fit blonde about an hour ago," I hear them laugh as I make my way through the living room and up the stairs. They better be fucking lying because Harry would never do that to me. I open every door upstairs that I pass and I get angry looks from several couples who're mid-make out session or worse. I yank the last door open to find Harry sitting on a bed, alone and he runs up to me as soon as he notices me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What happened?" I ask, breaking the embrace. "Nothing, I got tired of all the bullshit going on downstairs and I tried finding a charger because my phone died." He shrugs. "Why weren't you outside, waiting for me?" "I didn't know what time it was, no one in this house has ever heard of a clock and well I don't wear watches," He tells me showing me his wrists.

"Can we go now?" Harry nods and quickly pecks my lips. "Sorry, I just had to," he smiles. I take his hand and we make our way downstairs. Only now I notice how many people are sprawled across the floor and furniture. Just when we want to walk through the front door we hear comments like: 'Did your boyfriend come to save you?', 'I told you he was gay!', 'Ugly faggot!' and 'see even ugly people can find love, they can love each other!' the guys snicker. I feel Harry's grip tighten on my hand, I can't bite my tongue any longer and turn around "What's your problem arseholes?" I yell towards the group of men. "Oh look, princess here wants to stand up for his girlfriend!" one of them barks out. "Why would you care if we're gay?" Harry shouts. "That's just wrong. No dick is coming near my arse!" the buff guy says. "Well honey, you're not exactly my type anyway," I tell mister muscle. It's funny to see the look on his face and I'm pretty sure he'll think something in the direction of 'but, but everyone likes me!'

We all yell a couple more comments before I've had enough. I try to pull Harry outside but he stays still. "Come on Harry, let's go," I tell him. "Better listen to your boyfriend faggot!" one of them yells. "Don't hate me," Harry whispers before slamming our lips together and he starts kissing me roughly. I can hear the guys shouting at us but the words don't register. I put my hands in Harry's curls and let his tongue slide into my mouth, completely forgetting that we're in a public setting and have an audience. Harry's hands move towards my bum and he squeezes, a moan escaping my parted lips. Harry pulls back with a smirk and I turn to look at our audience, the boys are all staring at us in disgust. "Take that you homophobic dickheads!" Harry says as he pulls me out of the house.

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