Chapter 39 - Dozens upon dozens of stores

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"Ready to go?" Sage asked.

A week had come and gone and Crystal, Sage and I decided to have a girls day out before spring break started next Friday.

"Yup." I confirmed before followed them out of my dorm and towards the parking lot. Since Sage was the only one of us three to own a car we were inevitably taking hers. It was a small white car that was surprisingly spacious inside. I didn't think twice before climbing in the back as they occupied the front seats. I slide to the center and clipped in my seat belt as Crystal flicked on the radio and Sage made her way onto the freeway. It took us a while to get there since the best/biggest mall around this area wasn't close to campus. Sure we had little shops and diners but the cities main mall was nearly on the other side of town. I didn't mind though, I enjoyed spending time with these two even though they were together now. Ever since they did become a couple we obvious didn't hang out as much, Jack either, but we still tried to as much as we could. Plus, since I had a few classes with them we got to socialize then...mostly.

"So, the plan is simple. We'll shop, we'll eat lunch, and then we'll shop more." The thought of doing all that shopping mad my head spin, not only was shopping not something I liked to do often but I also never had any friends to go shopping with. Sage laughed when she saw the look on my face through the rear-view mirror.

"Don't worry. Crystal makes it sound much more exhausting then it actually is." Sage assured but still, a part of me doubted that. Nonetheless I didn't complain and followed them straight into the mall when we arrived. Another reason I didn't shop often was the fact that I was saving money. Don't get me wrong, I planned on buying some stuff today, I at least wanted to get a new pair of shoes and some food, but it was just better for me if I didn't go to the mall all the time, it was smarter. I shifted my bag's strap as we walked through the sliding doors and was instantly overwhelmed by the mass amount of people standing and walking around.

I've been to a mall before in my life, I wasn't that weird, but I don't think I've ever been to such a big mall with such a large shopping population milling around. It was absolutely crazy. Crystal and Sage only gave me amused looks before dragging me deeper into the mall. I already knew all three of us had pretty different taste when it came to clothing but sometimes it still managed to shock me. We were all quite different and I think that's part of what made us such good friends but sometimes I forgot about it because of how normal it seemed to become over the months.

"Alright," I said, trying to ignore the large crowds, "Where to first?"

"Well, we've got all day to kill so why don't we just walk the whole mall, and stop whenever we come across a store we wanna go in." Sage suggested as we continued into the mall.

"Sounds like a plan." Crystal said, excitement practically radiating off of her. Parties and malls were her two places, where they weren't my scene they were definitely hers. The mall was even more Sage's kind of place than it was mine.

We spent the entire morning window shopping, some of us still partly asleep, before we decided that maybe get some food in us would get us going. I mean we did a little shopping. Crystal bought a knew set of silver, dark blue and neon green bangles and Sage had bought a thin cream colored scarf that had yellow flowers sewn at random places. It suited her.

"I want a burger." Crystal declared as we stood in the food court, trying to decide what we wanted. "But I really shouldn't." She added in a less happy voice as she looked down, patting her flat stomach. I wanted to roll my eyes at her when she suddenly said in her loud, somewhat obnoxious tone that screamed 'I'm important, listen to me'. "Oh well."

I followed her eyes to see she was starring at a burger joint like it was her next prey. My metabolism wasn't half bad but Crystals was incredible, she could anything and everything and still had a perfect hourglass figure that she loved to show off.

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