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"Kiera, please stop feeding the squirrels."

It was bad enough that we were spying on my little sister. Throwing bread crumbs at woodland creatures certainly wasn't helping matters.

"Take my sister, Kiera." The wise, almighty Biscuit commanded. "She's a guardian. She'll help you."

"Aw, don't run away. Mommy's got more bread."

Right. Five minutes in the park and Kiera adopted the squirrels as her own children.

Just marvelling at the abundance of help I've recieved today.

"Does it run in the family?" I muttered.

She looked confused. "Does what run in the family?"

"The let's-annoy-Victoria-at-every-given-opportunity gene."

She rolled her eyes. "Why don't you like squirrels, Vickie?"

Aha. "He told you, didn't he?"

Clearly, this was a coordinated plan by both of them to slowly drive me to the looney bin involving the 'oh-so-adorable squirrels' -

"No." She said simply. "See, I happen to have eyes. Also, I'm capable of thinking, which may come as a shock to you."

I sulked, as she crushed my conspiracies.

To be honest, I was bored. Camping out in a bush whilst stalking my sister was the most unexciting thing I'd done in weeks.

Living life to the fullest. I thought, as Ira sat on the park bench and took out her laptop.

Creeping on a teenager.

This has been my daily routine for the last two days. Buy some caffeine, hide by the trees, wait for my sister, Ira, to show up and try to follow her.

She'd become good at covering her tracks.

A part of me wanted to go hug her and tell her everything's fine.

Another part of me wanted to smack her over the head.

Fifteen was no age to start murdering people. At least, wait till you're twenty.

As always, five minutes later she texted someone and was about to leave. She packed her laptop and tied her shoelaces, as usual.

Suddenly, a guy in a hoodie got in her way. He grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

Don't get involved. I reminded myself. This is none of your business. Don't get-

The stranger's hand grazed her butt.

"Kiera, I need to, um, get more bread for your squirrels." I began running.

"Aw, thank you. You're such a darling-"

My sister's being assaulted. I like you but to hell with you and your squirrel babies.

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