Leeches and art

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"Told you blindfolds are fun."

I'd woken up to Biscuit, smiling wolfishly as he'd come out of the shower. I threw a pillow at him, fuming.

"Clothes, Biscuit."

"Not what you were telling me last night, baby."

I blushed. The bästard had wrapped his tie around my eyes and went to town on the rest of me, making me beg shamelessly for the whole deal and not just the kinky trailer.

He wasn't just heartless. He was the soulless devil 2.0.

"Where are you going?" I asked him suspiciously, as he buttoned his shirt up.

"Antarctica. I'm going to save the penguins." He said, deadbeat.

"Gee, tired of making out with me already?" I joked.

"Honey, I hope to be too tired to live by the time I'm done with you."

I smiled as he kissed my hair.

"I need to go check out the ghost again." He said, seriously. "We need to talk to him. I think I can wake him up without making him vanish."

Biscuit headed to the door.

"Please just stay in my room." He said, earnestly. "There are stray leeches staying here."

I nodded, smiling innocently.

I don't think for one moment even he believed me. He left with a sigh.

I sat up, thinking about his mission. The next best option to talking to the ghost would be the only guy who'd known him in real life.

And just like that I had an idea.

I headed up the stairs to the study where I knew Biscuit's friend was probably sulking in a coffin or something.

Yes, his girlfriend wasn't really undead.

No, it was still funny to think about them making out upside down like bats.

Marcus was standing by the door. The butler gave me his signature "you're muggle trash" bîtch face.

Fortunately, I was in a wonderful mood today.

"Lovely morning to you, good sir." I gave him a curtsy. "I suggest you get the fück out of my way unless you want your bowels ripped out through your teeth. With much pomp and elegance, of course."

Educate yourself, Biscuit. This is how true ladies conduct themselves.

"The Prince is not to be disturbed." Marcus rolled his eyes. "So I suggest you get on with it. Just don't make a mess on the carpets. They're Persian."

He was so serious, I could almost believe he'd come back and haunt me only for staining them.

Like it didn't even matter that it would be with his own blood.

"Marcus, Marcus, Marcus." I tsked. "Princess Dory should be paying me for an appointment. I suggest you save him a fortune and let me in."

"A pretty woman like you should never be paid for her company." A voice said behind me. "Unless she's on her knees, blowing me of course, but we both know you earn your money doing far more dirty deeds, little redbird."

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