Corsica, the burger

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"Run, Xevi."

The lady's voice echoed through the hallway as I tripped. My breathing was hard and my heart hammered in my chest. I was tired and hurt, but I couldn't stop.

I could still hear his footsteps.

"Run as far away from here as you can get."

Hauling a barely conscious Victoria into the car, I got in and slammed my foot on the gas. The sirens started wailing from behind us.

Glad to know my mother's advice still holds good after twelve years.

The guardians didn't waste any time coming after us.

I had no idea how they'd figured it out or what they were going to do to Ira

All I knew was that this wasn't Grand Theft Auto - I sure as hell couldn't drive and shoot at the same time.

I took a sharp left into a smaller lane, losing them for a few minutes.

"Victoria. Dashboard. Guns."

She didn't move.

Fück. My. Life.

I pulled the brake. The Ferrari screeched to a halt in the middle of the narrow street.

I reached over and opened the dashboard, taking out two loaded guns.

You've still only got two hands, Einstein. Now what?

"Victoria." I said, frustrated. "For a person who kills people for a living, it ought to take a whole lot more than this to shake you. The badass bîtch I know wouldn't just sit here and do nothing."

"You know nothing then."

Great. I'm Jon Snow.

I looked at her. Victoria's eyes were hard and cold. Her face was like a mask, pale and expressionless.

"Give me your guns, Biscuit."

"Don't miss."

"Don't talk."

The sirens were getting louder. I drove out of the street and onto the main road. Two guardian cars caught up to us soon.

Victoria didn't miss.

I didn't talk.

Some fancy driving and dead guardians later, both of us realised the main problem with our situation.

As cool as it was, a shiny black million dollar Ferrari wasn't exactly under the radar.

A few more guardian cars got in the way. I took a sharp turn into a mall and scared the living daylights out of a bunch of people.

The car was about to crash into a Target. Both of us dived outside just in time.

The thing blew up with a bang, teddy bears and all.

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