Carrots and sticks

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"Can you pretty please die?"

Biscuit was going at the ghost like he was Tyler from Fight Club. It was kinda funny imagining Bîtch better have my money playing in the background.

Except you know, a dead guy was trying to take my head off.

Half the guardians were dead. It was super useful how that just meant they got up, dusted themselves off and tried to make the rest of us join their little zombie club.

And no, they weren't doing the Thriller dance either.

Pfft. How basic.

"You know what I want right now?" I asked Biscuit as one of them sliced my cheek. I winced and took its head of with one of Xavier's blades.

"Sex?" He asked, cheeky. "Well, it's a bit of a stretch, but come at me, baby."

I sighed. Here we go again.

"Carrots." I said, kneeing the ghost in the gut. "I want a carrot."

Biscuit shrugged. "Well, if you dress up as a Bunny, I guess you could call it that -"

"Nope. Radishes." I muttered, not letting him finish.

He just wiggled his eyebrows.


"Kale." I corrected him again, blushing.

Biscuit thought real hard on that one.

"Wild cabbage."

"Vegetables!" I yelled. "Motherfücking vegetables."

Before he could make a whole food group an innuendo, I held up a hand (and decapacitated the ghost with the other.)

"All I'm saying is I want a salad." I clarified.

"All I'm saying is you can toss me anyway you want to." He returned, stabbing another ghost.

I couldn't smack him, so I smacked my face instead.

"Why are you so -"

"Hot?" He asked, pulling a punch. "You're the one flirting with me when we're at the brink of death, so you tell me."

"Horny." I rolled my eyes, reloading my gun.

Biscuit thoughtfully channelled his inner Maya Angelou, while throwing a right hook. "Pretty women wonder where my secret lies."

"Hate to break it to you." I muttered, blushing. "But it's not really a secret if I can see it from here, buddy."

"What can I say." Xavier returned, zero fücks given. "Carrots and sticks make good bunnies, Shortcake."

I couldn't help it - I laughed. Maybe it was what he said, maybe it was the adrenaline or maybe it was because my real life situation from the Walking Dead was just hilarious like that.

Odd but I didn't want this to end.

Because somewhere deep down, I knew this would be my last fight, one way or another.

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