Lovesick puppies

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She's hot.


She's really hot.

"Please stop."

She's so fücking hot.

"Stop or I'll punch you in the face."


Never mind. She's still hot.


"Biscuit, behave!"

The bästard kept licking me anywhere he could reach, as I tried to get him to his room. He was about as coordinated as a chicken, but somehow he still managed to turn me on.

I need to get laid more often.

"You taste like ice cream." He said, his lips on my shoulder.

I pulled his head away with one hand, trying to haul him through the door with the other.

"You know, I honestly worry about you sometimes." I said, pushing him on the bed. "You're going crazy."

"I am." He admitted and there was that dreaded affection in his eyes. "For you."

"Sappy Biscuit." I chided, trying to pull a blanket over his near naked body. "Don't say stuff like that. It makes you look like a lovesick puppy."

"I am a lovesick puppy." He said, his eyes tugging at something deep in my chest.

"You're a grown äss man in briefs licking me like I'm a piece of candy."

"You are a piece of candy." He said, seriously.

"That's cute." I rolled my eyes, turning to leave. "Have a good night, Biscuit."

He caught me by my waist and tackled me down to the floor, holding my hands over my head. He smelled like whiskey and cologne, his blue eyes soft and warm. I was suddenly reminded of the first time he'd done this, in that dirty apartment in New York.

I'd been torn between punching him and kissing him then too.

"I am having a good night, Shortcake."

He didn't do anything at all for a minute. There was complete silence in the poorly lit room.

Oddly, I was thinking of my own face and the length of my lashes. Of how my eyes turned darker in the moonlight. Of how the scar on my neck somehow made it look more beautiful.

I was confused until I realised what was happening.

He'd let me inside his head.

Biscuit finally kissed me, going tender and slow. I saw the amount of self control it took for him to keep things simple and something far more dangerous behind it.

"Don't." I said, warning him. "Don't say it."

"Then let me do it."

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