Guns and butlers

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"Who the hell are you again?"

Royal families had a rule about hiring staff - butlers were supposed to be at least over twenty.

My new one didn't look more than eight.

"My name is Charles Andrew Milsworth II, Your Majesty." The guy buttoned his cuffs nervously, bowing for the third time. I walked over to the doorway, watching him fidget with a piece of card stock.

The guy was sweating bullets.

On a normal day, I would've gone easy on the young and impressionable Mr. Milsworth.

Unfortunately, today was the day I almost fücked the woman I was supposed to marry in front of the only woman I'd cared about.

Normal had been half a bottle of Vodka ago.

"So Charlie." I said, arching a brow. The guy bowed again, real low.

"Ground rules : Don't bother exercising your back at my front door. Don't call me 'Your Majesty' and don't ever call yourself 'The Second' at anything just because your dad had sex and wasn't creative about it. We clear?"

He nodded vigorously. "Yes, sire."

"Good. Now where's Marcus?"

"I believe he's in Vetresca, sire." He said doubtfully. "King Anton requested his presence."

I let it go after that. I personally had rules, seeing as I was staff here myself.

What the Royals wanted, they got. No questions asked.

"So are you here to give me something or just admire the view, Charlie?"

The boy looked at the paper he'd almost torn, sheepish.

Embarrass a random stranger for kicks and giggles? Check.

"The, um - the Council of Trials has called an emergency meet at the church, sire." He said, handing me the official document he'd been torturing. "It's in one hour."

I groaned internally as the headache set in.

Get hammered for a super important meeting with world leaders? Check.

"Now, Mr. Milsworth." I said, absently thinking about Marcus. "How good are you finding my socks?"

Half an hour later, I walked down the same street to the church I'd come down before, with no visible blood on my clothes.

Charles wasn't bad at his job.

He was just new and I was just bîtchy.

I was a little lost in my thoughts so I didn't pay attention to the road.

So it was completely my fault when I bumped into a woman head on. My bodyguard aimed his assault rifle at her head before I could even apologise.

And boy, did I have a lot more than that to apologise for.

Adriana didn't look at me, managing to steady herself. The awkward silence between us seemingly stretched on forever. Her own guardian was eyeing the gun with apprehension.

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