Dr Strange and Miss World

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"If you leave now, I'll personally find you and kick your äss."

Kiera held the keys to the bike I'd stolen, jiggling them before me. She even stole my signature move and stuck out her tongue when I tried to grab them from her.

She left me no option but to sulk in defeat.

And secretly google how to hotwire a Ducati.

"Don't be the dumb heroine and do the right thing." Kiera was saying. "You two fit together like puzzle pieces."

"Lame." I said, not looking up from my phone.

Unfortunately for me, there weren't too many scholarly articles on how to steal a race bike.


"Ok, then you two are like Mac and cheese."


"Peanut butter and jelly?"


"Obama and Biden?"


I finally looked up incredulously.

Kiera chose that moment to steal my phone too. I swore, as she held it up high. If I thought I was tall before, Kiera's fingers could've beaten Mount Everest at this game.

Damn Biscuit and his stupid tall family.

"Just listen to me." She said, as I tried to climb her like a tree. "At least stay till the coronation. You owe it to him to watch that crown go on his head. Göddamn it woman, after everything you did, you owe it to yourself."

Eventually I realised she was right and that I couldn't King Kong my way up a satin dress.

"I don't want to." I muttered, glaring at her.

I couldn't begin to cover how much I didn't want to see that pretty, expensive, golden work of art on his useless, idiotic, handsome head.

Something about five stages in a breakup?

I'd skipped right to the anger part.

Ain't nobody got time to feel five whole emotions.

"So?" She asked simply.

"So I'm not going." I spelt it out for her. "I want to go home and have a nice long bubble bath."

"I'll get you a rubber duck right now if you march your äss back inside." She offered.

"I don't want a fücking yellow bird." I yelled, finally breaking. "I want to get far, far, far away from here and forget this mess ever happened. I am tired, Kiera. I don't know how he did it, but I'm finally tired of fighting."

"With him or for him?" She asked, quietly.

"Both." I said, closing my eyes.

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