Pretty things and little lies

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I'm going to meet my friend. There's fruit on the table. Don't do anything stupid.


I woke up to that super polite note and I didn't know what annoyed me more.

The fact that he'd given me fruit or the fact that there was only an empty bowl left.

Courtesy of a certain magical chicken eyeing me in disdain.

I had no idea how the thing came inside, considering the windows were all locked and the curtains drawn. The Phoenix looked at the crow's nest that was my hair with marked judgment.

"Yeah, like you're on the cover of Vogue." I muttered, getting up. "Did that bästard let you in?"

Now I'm talking to a bird.


I brushed my teeth and took a shower. Wrapping a towel around myself, I headed to the wardrobe. Said bird followed, watching me with curiosity.

"If you're a girl, it's ok to feel a little jealous - not all of us have feathers for an ass." I muttered, going through the hangers.

"If you're a boy, congratulations. Biscuit's trained you look at half naked women real well."

I found a pair of oversized PJs with little unicorns on them and I knew I had a choice.

I could've played nice. I could've stayed in, watched some Breaking Bad and pined over Biscuit like a bored housewife.

Should've, would've, could've.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a black shirt. Grabbing the gun under my pillow, I looked at the note on the dresser and turned it over.

PS - If you're going to pick the lock anyway, use a bobby pin and not my gun. Lady Terencia likes weird äss doors and that woman is not to be screwed with.

I rolled my eyes, smiling a little.

One smart cookie I'd picked.

Opening the door as suggested - because of course, he'd locked my door as it was his Biscuitly duty to try to annoy me even when he wasn't around - I walked past the hallway of expensive, tasteful and ultimately meaningless stuff.

I was about to turn left toward the stairs when one of the cases caught my attention.

A crown of gold and diamonds stared back at me from a glass case. A smaller circle of rubies and silver rested on a cushion beside it.

Oddly, it was never the craftsmanship, elegance or the significance of jewellery that caught my eye.

My mental estimate of a million dollar price tag always did the trick though.

Kleptomania was useful like that.

"I could just give it to you." A woman's voice said behind me. "But you will have to promise me you'll wear it someday."

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