*Companion Guide*

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Map of Europe

The Immortal Empire :

In order of powers :

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In order of powers :

Vetresca : Crown Nation, Chief Military Commandant, Kingdom of Angels

Valkyria : Navy Alliegent, Kingdom of the Devona

Lirin : Army Alliegant, Kingdom of Shapeshifters

Kadria : Ally, Kingdom of vampires

Dwentia (In civil war) : Ally, Kingdom of Fey

Triland : Ally, Kingdom of the Sylph

Avillis and Aris : Allies, mixed races

History :

The Immortals are a species from an alternate dimension called Haven.

They came to our world in peace, but the human world leaders decided they were a threat and started World War III against them.

The tables turned and they began winning in a matter of months. So the human nations agreed to make peace and sign the International Treaty of Cooperation (1952.)

As per Clause I, the Immortals were granted possession of Europe.

Other major clauses :

III - Magic is forbidden by both Domestic and International laws as its usage is found unstable to one's lifeforce on earth.

IV - Psychic bondage of all human immigrants to Europe is mandatory. The liege may communicate thoughts and rarely control the actions of the human visitor if their behaviour is found irrational.

V - The Court of Trials are formed by heirs from the Royal Families of all nations.

XII - For a decision to be passed by the Court, vote of majority is mandatory.

Biology :

Archangels (True Immortals) : Highest forms in the universe. They do not have physical bodies and can manipulate anything - time, matter, space - but require other life forms to exist physically here.

Immortals : Several species that evolved from the Archangels. They all have human bodies, but a different aging pattern - normal until adulthood, frozen for 700-800 years and then quickly accelerated till they pass on to the nethers (or afterlife.)

They heal rapidly and don't usually get diseases. Only three known substances can kill them : Wildfire, Iron Ice and a new drug that stops their healing so their injuries become fatal.

Their women bear children for two years. (Xavier : "And yes, we are really good at sex.")

They can mate freely between their own species as they're all Immortals, but their offspring can only be one subtype. E.g. : in a union between a vampire and shapeshifter, the child may be born as vampire or shapeshifter but never half of both.

Mating with humans produces half breeds - the power of an Immortal gets whittled down with every generation.

Pureblood : An Immortal Royal family that hasn't had even one human in their ancestry.


I put this together after I got quite a few requests about the setting.

Any further questions? PM me.


Xavier : "Vote because maps are fun."

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