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"Is there anything you can't do?"

Victoria was standing behind me in the kitchen, hands on her hips.

Because suddenly making scrambled eggs was rocket science.

"Well, I can't speak Pig Latin." I said, deadbeat. "But I think that's pretty much it."

I tossed the pancake over in the other pan. Shortcake was looking at me like I was the winner of Masterchef.

"Sit down and stop staring." I said, whistling. "You look like the startled emoji."

She smacked me over the head but did as she was told. The farmer had left earlier, having loaned me his kitchen for the morning. I'd made him breakfast too then.

It was the absolute least I could do for him for letting us stay here.

"When did you learn how to cook?" Victoria asked me, as I set down a plate.

I shrugged. "Fourteen? Fifteen. I don't know."

Working in a kitchen meant you picked up a few things besides washing dirty dishes.

"Do you need any help?"

"Well, not really-"

Victoria was standing next to me in a minute, expectantly.

I sighed.

"I'm just making pancakes." I said, as she examined the flour. "They're almost done-"

"You've got something on your cheek."

I wiped at where she pointed.

"Nope." She said. "Still there."

I tried again.

"Let me get it."

Victoria ran a finger over my jaw. A second later, she lunged my face, getting a nice fistful of flour on my cheeks. She danced away from me before I could catch her, laughing like a child.

I switched off the burners.

This means war.

I spent a good fifteen minutes, chasing after her through the house, then the field outside. She didn't tire out, but I managed to corner her near the wine yard.

"Don't come closer." Victoria warned, holding out a bunch of grapes.

"Fruit." I rolled my eyes. "Wow, I'm scared-"

Shortcake squirted them at me, the violet berry squishy stuff getting on my shirt.

I groaned.

"Do you only call it a day when you've ruined my shirt?"

I didn't hesitate to catch her this time as she tried to escape. Both of us tripped and fell to the ground, my hands around her waist, her hair sprawled in the dirt.

We laughed for a long time, eventually realising how close our bodies were to each other.

Then there was only silence.

Suddenly the farmer stepped through the vines. He looked at her, then at me, then at the flour on my face.

I think it's safe to say we couldn't stay at his house anymore.


Xavier : "Vote whilst I try not to kill a certain farmer."

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