Dark chocolate

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"I want candy."

Normally, I was a mature, responsible,  grown äss adult.

Well, at least I tried to be.

But even so, I had a weird habit of turning into a spoilt, whiny brat when gummy bears were involved.

"So, you want me?" Biscuit tipped his hat, as we went to the shop in the airport. "Sorry, Shortcake. I'm taken."

"By aliens?" I shot back. "Would explain so many things."

"Why is it so hard to believe I might have a girlfriend?" He shrugged. "I'm a sweet guy."

"Right." I rolled my eyes. "And I'm the Queen of England."

He muttered something that sounded a lot like "you could be."

Biscuit was officially losing his mind.

"You're about as sweet as diet soda." I said. "No sugar in sight."

"You'd know." He said, absently touching his neck. "You're the one who gave me a hickie."

I was blushing again. I never thought I'd hate my own blood vessels, but right then I did.

Damn him. Damn him and his -

We entered the shop. Biscuit took off his hat and flashed a smile at the lady behind the counter.

His very damnable dimples.

He paid for a small bag of gummy bears without asking any questions. I held out my hand, beaming.

"They're not for you."

I glared at him.

He didn't say a word as he went back outside. I followed him, silently fuming, 100% sure he was doing this simply to piss me off.

We walked till entrance of the airport, until I realised what he was doing.

Vetresca was for the most part a rich country. Yet like everywhere, there were still homeless people.

And outside the airport's cold, all glass entrance, sat one family dressed in tatters. The old man, his wife and their little daughter were dejected, unnoticed for the most part.

Biscuit walked up to the child and gave her the bag.

He smiled at me as he headed back inside. "Let's go get you some chocolate, Shortcake. Because candy is for little girls."

I didn't protest as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You dropped your wallet outside." I noted.

"Oops." He shrugged. "My bad."

I knew for a fact that he'd had at least five thousand dollars on him. And this was a man who didn't do anything by accident.

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