Sinking ships

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"So you stayed in the White House for a week and met Beyoncé the first time you came to America."

Biscuit gave me a face that meant no big deal - normal people totally meet the President and Queen B for brunch on a regular basis.

"I may have kissed her on the cheek backstage when I was twelve." He shrugged. "She said and I quote, "aren't you adorable."

"16 years later, the answer is no." I muttered, loading my guns.

"True." He surprisingly agreed.

I arched a brow.

Xavier straightened his tie, putting on his shades and connecting his earpiece. His family's sigils were imprinted on gold plated cuffs and his black suit had lines sharper than an X-Acto blade.

He might've been playing Danny's bodyguard.

But he looked like the boss of an empire.

"Adorable is for tiger cubs." He said, loading his sleeves with his throwing blades. "I, on the other hand, am dangerous."

"Like Michael Jackson?" I suggested, giving him my tie.

Biscuit smiled, pulling it through my collar and helpfully knotting it for me. But then he tugged it up until I was on my tiptoes.

His lips barely brushed mine. "Like Bond."

I humoured him. I smoothened the lapels of his coat and traced one red nail over his sharp jawline.

"You're right." I whispered in his ear. "Bond paper is hella dangerous, Biscuit."

He laughed, showing off his dimples. "Dämn, I love you."

I froze.

It was the first time he'd said it outright.

And almost instinctually, the alarm bells went off in my head.

It wasn't anything new - God knew I was there myself but just saying it aloud made it so real.

And terrifying as fück.

Biscuit quickly realised what he said, and judging my reaction, he tried to monkey around it.

"Your sense of humour, I mean." He muttered. "I do not love anything else about you. Well, except maybe your boobs. And your äss."

I smacked him. Then gave him a genuine smile from some deep forgotten part of me.

Daniel chose that moment to stride inside.

The guy had a wineglass in one hand and worry etched on every line in his face, making him look about ten years older than he was. But then he noticed Xavier in his suit and he smiled.

"You clean up nice."

"Thank you, Your Grace," Xavier gave him a salute. "As do you."

"Boys, I'm all for some good old fashioned yaoi but we kinda have a life altering meeting to get to." I joked.

Princess Dory looked lost as usual. Xavier knowledgeably looked horrified, and but he quickly recovered. He was about to one-up my comment when I held up a hand.

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