Pirate King

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Watching the sunset by the beach was supposed to be romantic.

Biscuit took a long swig from the bottle he'd stolen from the farmer's cellar, as the waves touched our feet.

"Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!" He called out, whistling the tune.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the bottle from him.

Screw romantic.

Sun down meant prime time for creeps.

"So do we have a plan, Captain Biscuit Sparrow?" I asked, crossing my legs.

"We scurry forth. Seaward and to the great lands beyond, wench."

I had sand practically everywhere, I hadn't showered in two days, and my last meal had been a crab, unfortunate enough to snap its claws at me.

I would've thrown the bottle at him, but I needed the alcohol too much.

"Cut it out." I punched his arm. "What are we going to do? Aren't you the one with the assignments and the big plans?"

He lay back against the sand. The sky was golden red painted with a tinge of pink and faint green, the waves glistening with the fading lights.

"The biggest plan we have now is to wait."

My stomach growled.

Damn poetic.

"Great idea, Sherlock." I muttered. "We'll just wait until I lose twenty more pounds. Because I really want to audition for Victoria's Secret in the middle of fücking nowhere."

Biscuit sat up on his elbows.

"We'd have to wait an awfully long time in that case, Shortcake."

I smacked him not for the first time today.

"You just called me fat."

He gave me a once over. I couldn't help noticing how he spent about five seconds longer on my breasts and my butt.

"Honey, I'm calling you perfectly fat." Biscuit lay back down, smiling like an angel.

"I'm calling you perfectly tactless." I mimicked his tone, fuming.

I didn't notice his hand as he tugged at my wrist. I fell back into the sand next to him. His arm snaked around my waist and he pulled me close so I was a mere inch from his face.

I should've punched him.

"How's that for tactless?" Biscuit looked me in the eyes, his own an endless ocean reflecting the sky. "You fit in my arms the right way and that's all that really matters, baby."

I couldn't punch him.

Damn it.

It was a weird thing. I could rewire a bomb without a single doubt but it was times like these when I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

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