Morons at midnight

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Peace and quiet was overrated.

Victoria was asleep on the only bed of the shîttiest motel I'd ever stayed in. Every inch of it was carpeted in filth and I was pretty sure I'd get hepatitis just by looking at the walls.

Vetresca was arguably the most competitive country in the world.

So if a human country could offer a rodent infested excuse of a house for $8, we could certainly beat them and make it worse.

Just add more insects, blood stains and kill the electricity permanently.

Prime time real estate right there.

Victoria snored, her lips forming a perfect O. For a woman who killed people for a living, she slept like a baby - no saucy dreams, no creepy nightmares, nothing.

Which unfortunately meant, I had no entertainment.

She'd told me what the Archangel had said earlier. I'd wasted a few hours thinking about it and I had no ideas. Yet I couldn't fall sleep.

Insomnia was amazing like that.

"Happy birthday, Xevi."

Suddenly, a shadow of a woman was standing by the window, her dark hair reaching her waist, a cheeky smile on her lips.

I looked at Victoria. Still sleeping.

Kiera jumped out the window just as quickly as she'd come in. I swore, watching her land perfectly one storey below, on the balcony.

God help me, I followed her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as my sister hugged me, almost crushing my bones in the process.

"You're getting older." Kiera smiled. "And I'm always up for rubbing that in your face. The birthday party's theme is the Bronze Age. You'll fit right in."

"Good one." I said, rolling my eyes. "Why aren't Victoria and you best friends yet?"

"Oh, we'll have plenty of time for that." She said, matter-of-fact. "Seeing as she's going to be my sister-in-law."

Why in heaven's name did I come here?

"Excuse me?" I asked, exasperated already.

"Oh, I know you heard me. Or are you actually admitting you're old enough to have hearing loss?"

I sighed. There was no winning with Kiera.

Unfortunately, the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

"I'll put it simply : you like this chick, I like this chick." She gave me a silver wrapped box. "You could do a lot worse, by the way."

"Um, thanks?" I wasn't sure if I was replying to her gift or her statement. "And no, there's definitely no "doing" here."

Let me just explain the glaring lack of sex in my life to my little sister real quick.

Because I'm just whimsy that way.

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