Chapter fifteen

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Something is wrong with my PC, so every time the damn inverted commas disappear off of the dialogue. It's so annoying to have to put it on again.



"Oh my god, Jason!" I exclaimed horrified. My face was probably masked in horror as I took in the sight of Jason. He looked completely awful and trashed. He had blood smeared over his face. His bottom lip had a deep cut and his white t-shirt was red of blood. His hair was tousled and ruffled, giving him a completely rugged look.

It wasn't the fact that his appearance was way out of order, it was the mesmerizing look in his eyes. His forest green orbs held admiration and relief. Relief probably because he found me. I was completely clueless as to why he would possibly be looking for me in the first place.

"Jason?" I asked warily. He was just staring at me, way out of it.

"Where were you?" He asked calmly, before weakly pushing past me and entering the dorm room. Make yourself at home. I shut the door closed after him, making there was no one outside behind him.

"I was here a few hours after you insulted me in front of your sister." I muttered, following closely behind. I stared at his broad back, warily waiting for his next move.

"I called you, but you haven't answered your phone." He stated, turning around and completely ignoring my previous statement.

"I was asleep." I lied.

"Bullshit." He cussed, his eyes blazing over with an unknown emotion. His green eyes looked absolutely beautiful in the dimly lit room. I felt this huge attraction towards him in that moment. My heart was beating at an undeniably fast pace and I felt like I haven't seen him in forever. When in fact I've seen him like a few hours ago, right after he told me to stay away from him and Ace. Oh god, what was wrong with me?

"What if I was half fucking dying and you decided to ignore my calls?" He asked lowly. His appearance just made him scarier than he actually looked, which was unnerving.

"But you weren't." I reasoned.

"I said what if?"

"The thought of you half dying didnt even cross my mind, Jason."

"You were here this whole time. I've searched the whole motherfucking campus and town for you, and you were here!" He exclaimed angrily, not seeming affected by his state.

"You're hurt. And stop yelling you'll wake my friends." I said quietly.

"I am hurt. And do want to know why, Daisy? Because I've came across many, many bad people that dared lay a finger on me, just to find you. I was losing my mind. And here you were, having the most fucking perfect sleepover with your friends!"

"Just stop," I narrowed my eyes. "You told me to stay away and made every signal that I should leave you the hell alone. And now, not even a day later you decide to call me? So, what if I haven't answered you?" I ended angrily.

"I was looking for you everywhere not knowing if you were safe or in danger." His eyes softened the slightest bit. He walked closer towards me, until he was standing directly in front. I had to strain my neck to see him properly.

"But why? I told you I'd sleep by a friends." I said. I was more than confused by now. He was worried about me? He was looking for me? And if he was telling the truth about searching the whole town, why would he come here lastly?

"I got a phone call from this guy, telling me that he was watching you and. . . it doesn't really matter. He's been taken care of. What really matters, is that you're safe, Daisy. You're fucking safe. You have no idea how relieved I am." He sighed

Loving JasonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora