Chapter thirty-five

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A loud and annoying knock came by the door the next morning. I untangled myself from Jason's sleeping body, and slowly crept off of the bed.

When the knock sounded again, I rolled my eyes and hurried to pull off Jason's sweater. I ended up in my underwear before I threw my robe over in a haste. Before I opened the door I made sure to smooth down my hair, because after last night I knew for a fact that it was all over the place.

Pulling the door open, I stuck my head out to see Professor Flynn - the headmaster and dean, taking me by complete surprise. She stood proudly and tall in her pantsuit with a clipboard in her hand. Her hair was up in a neat bun and I wondered for a second why the hell she would knock on the door and be dressed this way at six thirty in the morning. Not only was she looking at lack of rest and sleep, she was also disrupting fellow neighbours with her loudly clicking heels.

More importantly, why on earth would she come directly to my dorm room?

"Oh, you're up." She said dryly, before looking down towards her clip board.

Yeah, I'm up now. Who wouldn't be after your persistent knocking?

I smiled. "Good morning. Can I help you?"

"Remember when I promised you a new dorm?" She asked, looking at me for a second before going back to her clipboard.

"Uhm. . . Can we talk about this later after I've dressed?" I asked awkwardly.

"I have a long day ahead of me. We have to talk about this now. By the end of tomorrow I need your bags packed for my workers to move them towards your new dorm room. In level D, your new dorm will now be 134D. It was renovated and looks much better that this one."

I drowned out the rest. All I heard was 'your new dorm room'. There was no way in hell I would move from here. From Jason.

"Excuse me?" I asked, suddenly not caring if I sounded rude.

"I've made a new descion. I can't have a male and female in one room. I need you to move out as soon as possible. You will have a girl as your roommate, and Jason will have a boy as his. It's an order of conduct."

"But I told you I wanted to stay and you said it's fine." I reminded her, feeling my heartbeat essentially pick up. I couldn't sleep at night without Jason. I never felt safe without him. I couldn't move dorms. I would rarely see him given that we only share two classes and he barely shows up to them anyway.

"Change of plan, Daisy. I want you out by tomorrow." She said, before pivoting on her heel.

"Why now? Why so suddenly? I have just gotten comfortable here." I asked, before she could walk away.

"Maybe too comfortable, Miss McKenway." She spun around and sent me an icy stare. I kept in my wince. "You've been breaking many of the rules that you agreed to when you first got here. And I can only assume that it's because of Jason's influence on you."

"I'm sorry." I said hopelessly. "But you have no idea how amazing Jason is with me. You don't really-"

"Jason? The same Jason that was suspended from campus at least a hundred times for disrespect and fighting? The same Jason who beated up an innocent freshman last year for bumping into him in the hallway? I can continue if you would like me to?"

"You're horrible." I whispered.

"How am I horrible?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Bad mouthing your students because of the past? That's no way a headmaster should act."

Loving JasonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin