Payphone Calls

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“If you go put real clothes on, we can go out and pick something up for dinner.”

“Like where?”

“We could walk up the street to McDonald’s or somewhere. There’s a ton of restaurants up and down this street.” I said.

“Fine, I’ll go get dressed.” He stood up and went to the living room to put on a shirt and some pants. After a few minutes, my phone buzzed.

It was a Tweet alert. I only had a few people on my phone for Twitter alerts.

Andy had Tweeted something. ‘<3’

Just a heart. I logged onto Twitter on my phone and looked at the comments on it.

‘Are you back with Juliet?’

‘Are you dating @MsRainMoore now?’

‘I <3 you 2 Andy!’

Haha, wow.

Just to see what would happen, I Tweeted a heart as well.

My phone buzzed again.

‘@AndyBVB: @MsRainMoore :D’

I smiled and stood up, walking out into the living room.

“What if I hadn’t been fully dressed?” He asked, smiling.

“Like I would have cared.”

“So you’re saying you wouldn’t care if I was standing in here naked?”

“Well…I might care.”

He smirked. I put on my converse and we headed out.

It was raining and getting dark.

“You sure you want to walk?” He asked.

“Hells yes! It’s so much more fun when it’s raining!”

We ran down the street to get to the McDonald’s and by the time we got there, we were laughing. I don’t know why, Andy didn’t know why, but something was funny.

We calmed down enough to order something and run back outside with out orders, racing to get back to my apartment.

We collapsed on my couch and I kicked off my converse, looking into the McDonald’s bag. We sat there and talked, eating our McDonald’s.

My phone rang.

I looked at it, my eyebrows furrowing together.

“Who is it?” Andy asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t recognize this number.” I said, confused.

“Here, let me see.” He said, holding out his hand.

I gave him the phone and he looked at it. “This is a LA payphone number.”

“Who would be calling me from a payphone number?”

“I don’t know. Do you want to answer it, or…?”


I'm sorry this chapter is so short...I've been sick and having trouble writing. But things are leading up to one big event here soon. Also...any Killjoys out there? :D

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