Chapter 1 Back To The Grind

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 Hey everyone. So this is the sequel to Trust Comes First. I needed to break down this story into two parts because I didn't realize how ridiculously long is was. So we're basically starting off right where we left the last chapter. Things get a little intense in this one though so strap in and get ready for a rollercoster of crazy. Love Charlie <3

"They're doing this on purpose. Not putting me in matches until I have to defend my title. They're tryna make me rusty." I grumbled, leaning against the wall.

The only two of us who had a match tonight was Dean and Seth against the Prime Time Players. There was nothing else going on for me at the moment and that made me nervous, the simplicity of the match. We were standing at the entrance, dressed to wrestle and ready to go, only I was completely on edge. After Evolution and the Wyatt's I had zero nerves left and my hands were shaking at my sides, nearly matching Dean's nervous movements. Our music started and we walked down, me sandwiched between Seth and Dean, Roman at the back. Everything seemed fine as we entered the ring, Roman and I standing at the side as Seth and Dean jumped in the ring, facing off against their opponents. The bell rang and the match started, only I couldn't focus on it, too busy gazing around, watching over my shoulder.

"Lila what is going on with you tonight?" Roman asked, finally looking down at me, "You've been like this the whole time we've stepped into the arena."

"I just have a bad feeling Roman, like something is way off. " I admitted, crossing my arms over my chest, "I can't explain it but it's just sitting there in the pit of my stomach."

"I've learned over the years to trust your instinct," he nodded, glancing around and then to the match before turning to me, "You're usually right."

"I don't want to be right this time," I shook my head, taking a small step towards him, "How much more do we have to take?"

"I don't know but don't worry," he reassured, his arm brushing mine, "We'll just get through this and worry about whatever happens afterwards."

I nodded glancing around the ring to see what I could grab if anything went south. There were steel chairs in the time keepers area and I made sure I knew where they were. Glancing back at the ring I watched the match for a few minutes, Dean strutting around like he owned the place and I couldn't help but smile. Seth looked a little tired as he rested on the apron, hair dying into fluffy curls against his shoulders.

"Do you have a match on Smackdown?" Roman murmured, keeping his eyes on the ring.

"Title match against AJ again for the title." I frowned seeing Roman sigh deeply, "I feel the exact same way darlin, I'm getting sick of her face."

"We're coming out with you for that," he stated firmly, "There's no way I'm letting Punk anywhere near you."

"That's fine with me, you may need to yank me off of her." I grinned, seeing Roman smirk in amusement.

Suddenly the bell rang and we looked back in the ring, seeing Seth jump to his feet, him and Dean having matching grins on their faces. We walked to the edge of the ring, jumping up and into the ring, joining in on the celebration. They were both sweaty but exhilarated and I threw my arm around Seth's waist. Moving away slightly my prediction came true as the lights flickered out. Without meaning to I let out a piercing shriek, the sound bouncing around the arena as my frayed nerves nearly snapped. The titatron started the familiar sinister images before going black. I was frozen in place, arms stuck at my sides as I pleaded for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Suddenly there was a hand around my arm and I fought it off desperately, not wanting a repeat of last time.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now