Chapter 56 Hospital

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    "Are you alright?" Roman asked, coming to sit on the other side of me.

"No concussion but I'm waiting on the doctor." I reassured him, letting him take my good hand.

"At least your head stopped bleeding." Dean commented, standing at the end of the bed, arms crossed.

"How did the match look?" I asked, seeing their faces drop in disbelief, "What I'm just curious."

"Despite having your head literally bashed in, it was wicked." Corey finally announced, and I grinned triumphantly.

"Whatever it takes to win." I shrugged as the nurse walked in, Roman moving so she could come on my side.

Roman came and used a tie to get most of my hair from my face, giving her room to wash the blood off. I was shocked at how red the water got, wincing as she got near the cut. Closing my eyes I let her finish, walking back out without a word.

"You ever wonder what they think, seeing you four standing around me with my head bashed in and my hand all fucked?" I asked, pulling a few stuck strands of hair from my forehead.

"Not funny." Seth mumbled, still looking worried.

"Oh come on. It's a little funny." I grinned, seeing Corey trying to hide a smile.

Seth wouldn't crack a smile though and I knew he was really worried. Luckily we didn't have too long to wait as the curtain opened again, the doctor looking startled at the 4 big guys standing around. I gave him a bright smile and he returned it, glancing at the chart in his hand.

"Lila right?" he asked, and I nodded, "So would you like to tell me what happened?"

"Cage fight, got my head smashed into a chain link cage and my hand got caught between them." I explained brightly, seeing him raise an eyebrow, "We're wrestlers."

"Ah that explains it then. Well let's take a look at your head first." He declared, prodding my head for a few moments before leaning back, "We'll get that glued up and I don't see any signs of concussion so I don't believe you'll need a CT. Let's see the hand."

Letting out a relieved breath he took my hand gently, poking and prodding and I looked away, holding my breath. Now that my adrenaline was gone it was aching pretty awful. Corey rested a hand on the bed and I snatched it up, holding it tightly. I didn't care who I was holding as long as I had someone.

"Well Lila, this is the first time in a long time I've seen this." The doctor murmured, still holding my hand, "You have managed to pop out both of your knuckles in your middle and ring finger."

"Oh I didn't even think that was possible." I groaned, leaning my head back against the pillow.

"Usually you don't see something like this without a series of breaks but it appears you just popped them out." He mumbled, pressing on my fingers, "Would you like the good news or bad news first?"

"Good news, I need something to go on here doc." I responded instantly, glancing over at him.

"The good news is that they'll heal fairly quickly, faster than if you had broken them." he announced and I grinned, seeing the boys happy with the news as well, "The bad news is that to get them on the road to healing, we have to pop them back in first, as soon as possible."

My stomach dropped and my breath picked up a notch, seeing his sympathetic face. Biting my bottom lip I let out a groan, not liking the sound of what was going to happen.

"So when you say pop them back in, do I get drugs first?" I asked nervously, hearing Dean chuckle a bit.

"Usually we can but if we want to avoid further damage we have to do it right away. We don't have time to wait for the numbing to work." He said apologetically and I made a face, knowing deep down that was what he meant, "So are you ready?"

"Right now?" I gaped, seeing an amused look go in his eyes.

"Yes right now." He nodded, holding my hand between both of his.

Sitting up I turned away from him, staring at the four guys on the other side. Corey's hand was still in mine and I held his hand tightly. I must have been squeezing the life out of him but he never said a word, just letting me do it. I focused on each of their eyes, feeling the doc get up and get a good grip on my hand. Clamping down on my bottom lip I heard the pops before I felt them but when I felt it, it was insane. Letting out a whole slew of curses I threw myself back on the bed, snatching my hand back.

"Done." The doctor stated, and I moved my hand, feeling the ache but not the pain from before.

"That hurt, a lot." I informed him, seeing him nod.

"It would, but you took it like a champ. I'll go get the glue and then we'll get you to x-ray to make sure everything is where it should be and then you can go." He explained as he walked out.

"You cuss like a sailor." Roman commented, looking thoroughly amused.

"Ya well you try have your knuckles popped back in their sockets and then come talk to me." I growled, finally glancing down at me hand, "Oh. My. God."

From the second knuckle, up over my knuckles and up the top of my hand was purple already. The two knuckles were slightly swollen and I could only imagine what they looked like before they were fixed. Holding my hand up I moved it a bit, seeing normal range of motion and I was glad for that.

"They must have looked like shit before." I whistled, resting it back on my stomach.

"They were huge." Dean mentioned, catching my attention, "And your knuckle looked empty."

"Gross but cool." I shrugged, as the doc walked back in, skin glue in his hand.

Numbing the area he waited a few moments before beginning to glue my head back together. Keeping my eyes shut I ignored the tugging on my skin. He finished up quickly and informed me someone would be there right away to take me to x-ray. Getting this done was main priority and I relaxed as someone came to take me away.

The boys were still waiting as I was brought back, hand in a splint and wrapped up. Swinging my legs over the bed, I shoved my feet into my boots, lacing them up half ass and pulled my shirt back on. Dean handed me my sweater and I threw it on as well, the doctor coming back in with x-rays in hand.

"Well your x-rays show there is no breaks, or tears and you are one lucky woman." He announced, holding up the sheet, "Usually with damage like this we see the need for casting or even surgery but it was a clean dislocation and you got here fast enough to cause no permanent damage."

"So how long till she can compete again doc?" Dean asked, crossing his arms and rocking back and forth.

"I'd say within a week and a half, two weeks at the most." He decided and I groaned, not happy with the diagnosis, "It could have been worse, it could have been 3 months if anything broke. I get that your career is important but your health is as well. Here's a sheet of exercises and take it easy."

"Thanks for everything doc." I murmured, taking the sheet and he patted my shoulder, walking away.

"Come on, we'll get you back to the bus." Roman sighed, opening the curtain letting me walk through.

I was frustrated as I walked through the hospital, staring at the splint holding my fingers steady. I was thankful that I didn't break anything but still, being out for two weeks was not what I wanted. Getting in the front seat I sat back waiting to go back to the bus and relax.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now