Chapter 14 Christmas at the Carmicheal's

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Christmas Day

Surprisingly the day had passed without incident and I enjoyed the presents I had gotten. I was curled up on the couch, resting against my dad as we waited for dinner to be done. We were the type to wake up early open presents and then eat around noon. I had on leggings with a thin argyle red sweater and my Ugg boots.

"It's nice to have you both home." Dad murmured against my head, arm around my shoulders.

"It's been a good day Dad." I nodded, seeing Jax throw us a happy look.

I heard the sound of heels and I turned seeing my mom walk in. She had a content look on her face and I felt the tension in me die away slightly.

"Come on everyone, dinner's ready." She announced before turning back towards the dining room.

I grabbed Jax's outstretched hand, letting him pull me to my feet. We were walking to the kitchen when I heard my phone go off back in the living room. Letting go I made a go ahead motion before jogging back, picking up the phone and pressing green.

"Hello?" I answered, leaning against the couch.

"Merry Christmas!" I heard a whole group of people yell.

"Merry Christmas." I shouted back, my spirits lifted instantly.

"Hey baby girl," I heard Roman, his voice sounding echoey, "I couldn't wait any longer to call and mom was getting impatient too."

"Hey my girl! It's so good to hear your voice!" I hear Roman's mom call, bringing tears to my eyes.

"Hey Mama," I choked out, tears clogging my throat, "I miss you!"

"Don't you go getting all emotional. Once you start you know I will too." She cried out, her voice sounding thick with emotion.

"OK, ok I'm good." I laughed, hearing his family laughing at both of us, "I'm glad you guys called."

"I miss you a lot baby girl," Roman called out, bringing my focus back on him.

"I bet I miss you more." I sighed.

"He still calls her baby girl." I heard his mom gush and I flushed.

"Mom stop." He called out, sounding embarrassed and I heard the phone click, "How's everything going out there?"

"I was ready to string myself up with Christmas lights last night but Dean talked me off the ledge." I admitted, tugging on the earrings he bought me.

"Well as long as someone was there for you." He sighed, sounding upset.

"Hey it's fine. Things are going good today but I just can't wait to get back to the bus." I chuckled.

"Hold on, check your phone."

I looked down at it and saw the FaceTime request. Clicking the green button I waited as it connected, my wild hair and the earrings the main focus as the screen filled with his face. He had his hair tied back with a Santa hat on his head and I let out a laugh.

"You look gorgeous." He complimented and I tilted my head, smiling.

"You look hilarious." I grinned, biting my lip.

"Where's your Christmas spirit woman?" he asked.

"At the bottom of my father's scotch bottle." I answered cheerily.

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin