Chapter 70 Something Worth Fighting For

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As the bell rang I leapt to my feet, not believing the whole craziness of the match. We had actually won and Evolution were all leaning on each other, up the ramp. I had, at one point grabbed Batista's leg making him drop when he was about to hit Seth but the ref didn't see. Grabbing the titles I slid into the ring, seeing the three guys leaning against the ropes, yelling at each other. I got to my feet as Evolution disappeared behind the curtain, the boys stepping away. Then the worst happened, the lights went out. I froze, my throat closing up and I felt the ring shake. I didn't know which way to turn, the instant dark disorienting me.

"Just a taste of what happens if you continue to say" Bray's voice echoed throughout the arena, coming from all around me.

I took a hesitant step forward, still feeling the floor of the ring shake. I knew something bad was happening but I couldn't do a damn thing. I could hear fighting going on and I had no idea what to do. Suddenly the lights went on and I saw Bray and Erick throwing Seth and Roman onto the ramp, before going to help Luke. He was having trouble taking Dean down but once Bray and Erick stepped in they had him against the barrier on my right. Seth and Roman were sprawled out and I knew they couldn't help. Dropping my titles all the fear flew out of me at the sight of Dean getting beat down. Despite everything I ran at the ropes bouncing off them before launching myself threw the ropes, hitting Rowan and Harper. I used my arms to hit their heads into the barrier, knocking them down. The only problem was that I was face to face with Bray, standing over Dean. Pushing my hair back I held my ground, the two men rolling in pain.

"Get the hell out of here." I growled, shooting a quick glance to a stirring Roman and Seth, "You do what you can at Payback but I promise you I'm not going down without a fight."

"We'll see about that." He chuckled darkly, helping Erick and Luke up, holding eye contact, "We will see."

As they backed up the lights went out again for a few moments. I didn't feel the normal fear I usually did but I stood quiet and waited. The lights flickered on and they were gone, having disappeared with their usual tricks. Moving from over Dean I crouched down, seeing the red marks where they kicked his arms and sides. Throwing an arm over his shoulder I saw Roman helping Seth over to us. We hobbled around the ring, stopping so I could grab the titles and we leapt gingerly over the barrier. Dean was leaning some of his weight on me, making the trek up a little longer than normal but once we finally made it out, the silence was louder than the arena. Dean was holding his side, looking sweaty and pissed but nowhere near Moxley. His one arm was over my shoulder as I held his side and his wrist.

"It seems like you're not scared of them anymore." Dean finally murmured, breaking the silence with the first decent sentence we had spoken in weeks.

"Sometimes you find something to push past the fear for." I shrugged as best I could under Dean's arm.

The silence that followed was less tense and I was thankful for that, not sure if I could handle anything more tonight. After my Champion vs. Champion fight with Nikki and flying through the ropes I was beat. Nikki and I had tied in a double count out, both of us shaking hands afterwards. As we walked into the locker room I helped Dean to the bench. Seth and Roman both went to change, faring a little better than their partner. Setting our titles down I shrugged out of my vest, feeling the ache in my back from landing against the barrier. Dean sat for a moment before standing up, still looking sore and he came up beside me. I looked up at him, still seeing traces of anger in his face.

"I am an asshole alright?" he began and I pressed my lips together, "I'm always going to be an asshole."

"I was just really worried Dean." I said softly, keeping our conversation between us, "I told you before I don't care what you do when you go out but leaving for two days with no word?"

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