Chapter 104. Hurt Feelings All Around

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There was a tension in the house since the hospital yesterday and it was so thick that I didn't dare ask Dean what was wrong. He was gone when I woke up the next morning, no note or text to let me know where he was. I made myself a quick breakfast and called a cab to pick me up when I got a phone call. Seeing Seth's face I smiled down at it, feeling only a tad guilty when I remembered where I was.

"Hey you." I answered, sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hello beautiful, how's your Christmas going?" he asked, that voice filling me with happiness.

"It's going great. Just dealing with a teeny tiny hiccup." I admitted, needing to talk to someone about the whole Jeff thing.

"What's wrong love?" he asked, and I sighed, raking my fingers through my hair.

I launched into the story, leaving out the part where I was in Vegas. I confessed to the fear I felt when I heard what Matt had said and how I felt when I found out that he would be alright. Seth listened intently, commenting here and there and when I was finished I felt better, as though a weight had been lifted.

"Sounds like Jeff will be just fine baby, he's a tough one." Seth reassured, his voice soothing even through the phone, "I just wanted to call because I miss you and I wanted to hear your voice."

"Awe Seth." I murmured, my heart warming at his sweet words, "I miss you too. I'm actually really excited to get back to the bus and you."

"Me too. I'm actually just heading out with my brother so I'll call you tonight or tomorrow okay?" he asked, and I smiled, wondering what they were up to.

"Okay, have fun and be safe." I said quickly, hearing a honk of the cab.

"You too baby, love you." He murmured before hanging up and I was left staring at the phone.

Shaking it off I grabbed my wallet and headed out, locking the door behind me and praying Dean would be home before I was. Giving the cab the address I sat back wondering if I should have texted Dean, brushing it off when I realized he probably just needed a break from me. Getting to the hospital quickly I walked in and up into the elevator, knowing my way now. I didn't see Matt anywhere and when I walked into Jeff's room he was there alone, sitting up and looking more alert then before.

"Hi." I said softy, not wanting to startle him, seeing him look up.

"Hey." He greeted back, looking a tad shocked I was standing there., "Come in, shut the door."

Closing the heavy door I walked into the room, siting in the chair across from Jeff. I could tell from the moment I looked in his eyes that he was wary, not sure what was going on and I stayed quiet, waiting for him to start the conversation.

"I'm not gonna lie I thought I dreamt you last night." He drawled, that North Carolina accent not softening the words coming from his mouth, "I never expected you to be back today."

"I'm sorry." I apologized, the only thing I could think of to say.

"Don't be sorry." He murmured, hands clasped in front of him, "Seeing you is bittersweet though Lila, I aint gonna lie."

"I know but I was scared." I shrugged, easy to admit the truth.

"I understand and I hope you understand when I say I wish you hadn't come." He sighed, the words piercing my heart like a knife.

"I'm sorry you feel that way about me now." I began, only to have him cut me off.

"I don't but I'm right back to where I started." He admitted, rubbing his hands on his jeans as though they were sweaty, "I was okay and I was getting over you but now you're sitting in front of me and all I can think is when you're sad your eyes are the color of storm clouds."

Best For Business (A WWE Fanfic) Book 2 in The Wild Card SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now